13 8

Just wondering if any of you here have health insurance coverage for your cat(s)/pets???? 🐈🐈🐈

After the murder next door to me this past January, in the midst of the tragedy, the family's kitten got left behind. 🐈😿 We've finally come to an arrangement. She's the boss, I pay for things. 😻😻😻 She sleeps and eats and is getting chubby and I go to work and pay for things. 😜

She needs a doctor visit. She's spayed, but that's all I know for certain. She needs a wellness check and I need clued in about her (age, etc.) So I'm curious if kitty health insurance is something I should invest in. (I've had pets all my life until about a decade ago. I can't remember how much I spent on vet bills back when and care it seems, has changed. Teeth cleaning and stuff I don't think we ever even thought of.) 🤔

If you do have kitty insurance, is your company on this list? Would you not use anyone on this list?



SeaGreenEyez 9 Nov 13
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Insurance companies are structured so that 50% of your premiums go to pay salaries and dividends to their investors. Also, they tend to stall and are reluctant to pay claims. I would not consider it to be a good value.

snytiger6 Level 9 Nov 14, 2021

Running the numbers for the policies I’ve run into, the premiums are too high to make it worth doing (a LOT like dental insurance). I come out ahead simply setting some savings aside for vet bills, which have tended to be highest late in our pets’ lives. And yes, I am well acquainted with how high those bills can be. When need arises, I’ll dig deep in my pockets to treat my fur family.

Zster Level 8 Nov 14, 2021

Somehow they survive without much of that

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 14, 2021

Vets can be as expensive as people doctors these days. I have three cats. I do not have pet insurance. My attitude toward my cats is that I will always give the best care i am able to give, always make sure they have good lives, but if they become ill enough to need extensive surgeries or procedures that will affect their quality of life, I will make them as comfortable as possible until the illness changes their quality of life and then I will help them go in fearless comfort. One can't explain surgeries and medical procedures to an animal, and I would never want my beloved pet to experience terror or torture.

Deb57 Level 8 Nov 14, 2021

Just be careful if you purchase some. I never looked into it as I just never did. A friend of mine wanted to get it when he got his old lab, long ago. The reason was quite simple, many labs have a congenital problem, and unfortunately for him,, that was not covered (why he wanted it). When I was married and my ex decided to breed cats, it probably would have been worthwhile. (Didn't make any money on that venture, but we broke even and got some wonderful cats as pets
Most of the kittens that we sold were at half price to friends - Ocicats are really sweet and cute).


We have had at least six cats for the past twenty five years. Never had insurance as it would have to be for each individually, I assume. Vet bills can get outrageous, so shop around. Sometimes the most expensive just wants the money, good luck.


My wife works in a vet office, and she recommended we get Trupanion (

We have coverage for both of our babies.

Rignor Level 7 Nov 13, 2021

My animal care facility is Banfield and they don't have insurance, exactly, but they have a plan which lets you pay into it on a regular basis. Then, most all visits are "free." I couldn't read your link and don't know if Banfield is available in your area but you can certainly ask around.

THANK YOU for taking in a needy cat! Servitude's not too bad, once you're used to it!

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Nov 13, 2021

You cat is ridiculously cute. I've never had pet insurance.


I have had cats most of my life, and a dog for about 15 years. I never paid for pet health insurance. I do believe my employer offers it, I know past employers have. My thinking is 1. If the pet is so sick that they need expensive health care, it is worth putting them through the discomfort? What will it do for their quality of life? And 2. What EXACTLY does that policy offer? Insurance is about sharing risk, but also about eliminating risk. The insurance company is out to make a profit from you. That is their bottom line. I don't feel like making another damn insurance company any richer.


A good thing to have... if you can afford it.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 13, 2021

Oh, what a beauty! I'm so glad you found each other. 🧡🧡🧡

I know more dog owners than cat owners who have insurance. One just went through double ACL tear surgery and the insurance capped the cost at $3,000. Of cat owners, I've heard satisfaction about Lemonade, but they haven't used it for anything major. Does your preferred vet carry a plan for maintenance visits?

Lauren Level 8 Nov 13, 2021

@SeaGreenEyez I would find the litter box thing to be a real boon! 🧡 She sounds like she's accepted you as her preferred life after all the changes she's had to deal with these past few years, and you're receptive to her independence. A good match.

I didn't have insurance for mine, and fortunately didn't need it. I consider it like dental insurance: the discount may not balance out the premium except in dire circumstances, although sometimes just having it gets you a discounted rate on procedures. But, yeah, the ear could start getting painful for her pretty quickly.

@SeaGreenEyez omfg, what a nightmare you've been going through - and all that pain! I'm so sorry. On top of getting them to pay for it (all!), I hope you can get it under control really soon and get back to normal. 🤗

And they should use another word than cadaver when they do bone grafts. Just think of them as a donor, like a kidney donor.


Yikes, murder? Sorry to hear. I am glad kitty found a home with you, and that you understand the rules. lol

I do not have pet insurance. I think it would serve to inflate the cost of everything, just as human insurance has.

@SeaGreenEyez Are you an attorney or legal assistant?

@SeaGreenEyez You were shot & needed jaw surgery?

@SeaGreenEyez I see. I am taking legal studies courses at the local community college. Not sure I'll ever do anything with them, or even get the certificate.

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