2 7

I'm trying to get back to work after recovering from surgery but Dawson clearly believes that I need more time off. Guess I'm not working today! Sorry boss, the cat is sleeping in my chair.

SkagwayKim 7 Aug 4
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There ya not disturb the cat.


@SkagwayKim We know our place......


Jango, who passed last year used to claim my computer chair, making it hard to use the computer. I of course didn't move him. Instead I rolled the chair off to the side and got out a folding chair to sit in next to him.

snytiger6 Level 9 Aug 4, 2022

I already said I need a second desk chair. The problem is that then I would end up with a cat in each chair and still no place to sit.

@SkagwayKim You see, that is the advantage of the folding chair. You keep it folded up until you need it. I go ta padded one at Costco a long time ago.

@snytiger6 good point but my back can't handle anything that's not ergonomic.

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Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness...That time of the year

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