6 11

This is Sufii, she has a bacterial infecton in her lung, Tried all kinds of antibiotics nothing seems to work,, She has been ill since March,
Pic is a pic of a painting I did of her some time ago

Mokki 3 Aug 4
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Our cat Jango died of some kind of lung problem. At first we thought it was an infection, but as time went on he just found it harder and harder to breathe. Finally the bet said he had some kind of noncancerous growths which was keeping him from breathing. He eventually also lost his appetite and we had to finally put him down. It was very sad.

Then, after several months we got Whiskers. My sister searched the pet rescue websites for months, as this was still during the pandemic, and eventually decided on him. However another family wanting him as well. But, then they pulled out and Whiskers came to live with us.

My sister got him for herself, but he seems to have decided I am his main person. He sleeps on my bed and he supervises me when I am picking blueberries out back, occasionally attacking and biting my feet. And, in the afternoons as I am listening to audio books he comes and naps next to me, if not on me. He also, most mornings, comes to get me up anytime between 5:30 and 7:00 AM.

snytiger6 Level 9 Aug 5, 2022

Cats will pick their human. So jealous you have blueberries out back!🥰

@silverotter11 Can you not grow them where you are?

@silverotter11 I've filled 11 one gallon zip lock bags with blue berries. I need to but the bushes bck as they have grown over the edge of the planter are are in the way of the lawnmower. The planter is six by twelve feet and had three bushes. Each bush is a different variety, so they don't all get ripe all at once. The bushes themselves are more than 20 years old.

The bushes were planted by my oldest sister's family. My youngest sister bought the house from her. We also have thornless blackberries, thornless raspberries, and concord grapes. We have to take out two diseased cherry trees, but recently replaced those with a cherry bush, which should not grow so high as to be difficult to harvest when it starts bearing. We also have a plum tree, a multi apple tree and a pear tree. I also put in some huckleberry bushes, but they are not bearing yet.

@FrayedBear Well, not at the apartment complex but yes there are growers here in the county, they are expensive.

@FrayedBear, @snytiger6 WOW! How WONderful!

@silverotter11 There are places here in Washington state where you can pick your own fruit. It costs less than the grocery stores and I suppose if you have kids it might be a fun few hours.

When I lived in an apartment, I would buy large boxes of frozen blueberries at the Cash & Carry, or Smart & Final. I think they changed the name(s) of those stores though and the company that bought them out has less of a selection for some things, at least outside of frozen fruit.

@snytiger6 Here in Wisconsin pick your own is practiced also. Strawberries & raspberries followed by pumpkins I wish more gleaning projects were around as I see a lot of pumpkins that could be salvaged. So many recipes for the squash. Could help a lot of food banks.

@snytiger6 We do have some u-pick farms also.

@silverotter11 What I like about U-pick farms is that you don't have to take care of the plants. Just come for the harvest. I really hate yard work.


I'm no vet but if nothing is working you need to find one who will prescribe something that your cat needs to breath twice a day. Figuring out how to do this may lead to a cure.

DenoPenno Level 9 Aug 5, 2022

So pretty.


Beautiful Sufii, and your painting too.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Aug 4, 2022

Aw poor kitty.


You have some awesome talent. I'm sorry she is not doing well. I hope her vet can find something that works.

I do too had a spcialist come and did biopsy on her lung ,,,, just does not want to do away ,,,,,,would live to know if any other cat lover has had this problem . It is called "MENINGOENLEPHALOMEYLITIS" I think I spelled it correctly , Havd done researc on it all over the place but never find it in the lung ,,,,,,,,,,,,

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