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Not to neglect my other kitties, here is Pixie with their food-dispensing ball, dry food drops out as it is rolled. Leo is the only one who won't use it, he waits for the others to use it then eats some after it falls out. I think he's a bit lazy.

Ray13 8 Oct 3
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You should see my four chase four balls in my kitchen! Each is on a different medical diet, so no cross shares โ€allowedโ€. It gets nuts! ๐Ÿ˜

Zster Level 8 Oct 3, 2022

Purrtee kittee.


I don't think I'd care for a cat toy that dropped bits of cat food all over the floor.

Cute cats though.

snytiger6 Level 9 Oct 3, 2022

I just keep mine on linoleum. The game does not last longer than about 2 minutes, but I get your drift. It could be gross on carpet and painful when the fire ants are moving.

I can understand how you feel, but one of our cats has an eating disorder and he'll compulsively eat and then throw up repeatedly unless he's controlled (he was a rescue from an ugly hoarding environment and still carries those scars two years later).

Our toy is larger than a ball and not as mobile, and while he will drop pieces on the ground, he's obsessive about eating them all, so there's not much mess when he's done.

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