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Yet another reason not to declaw your cat(s). ?

Leeshi 7 June 25
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I,had no idea what the procedure for declawing was. When I found out that was the end. I think it has been banned in NJ. How cruel.

IAmLove Level 7 June 26, 2018

It should be banned everywhere. Even if done correctly, it is still cruel. Unfortunately, a significant amount of vets doing this surgery are not doing it correctly and are both causing deformity and not resolving the issue that sparked the surgery in the first place. I wish there was more stringent regulation of veterinary practice!


So many people are uninformed about what declawing consists of. I've talked a couple of people out of it by simply showing them diagrams and photos. Unfortunately, it doesn't work on everyone. But, it at least informs them as to what they are going to put their poor kitty through. They can be trained if you give them the places they are allowed to scratch at and catch them when they are doing it somewhere that they shouldn't be. And lots of patience. As you all know, cats are soooooooo stubborn. 🙂

Aushra Level 6 June 26, 2018

They also don’t seem to realize that the declawing can create serious psychological issues and cause far worse behavior issues than scratching furniture. Some cats won’t use the litter box after. I’d much rather deal with scratching than poop and pee everywhere!


On a good side, if there I see one. Ozzy, a Male child, makes biscuits on me when I am in my chair. We rescued him at a shelter, one of a bonded pair, great cat.


Great, though there are many other reasons for not doing this. The first of which is realizing that it would be like having your fingers cut off so you don't have fingernails. Think about it.


In order to declaw a cat the vet needs to amputate the toes of the cat.

OldGoat43 Level 9 June 25, 2018


Deb57 Level 8 June 25, 2018

Is there absolutely any reason at all to declaw your cats?

Jnei Level 8 June 25, 2018

Laziness? Selfish desire to keep your furniture pristine at your pet’s expense? Sadism?

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