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My sister had her cat shaved for the summer LOL poor Kitty

Sheannutt 9 July 3
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Awww... My old boy, Severus, has started to get a bit matted up. It was never a problem when he was young. We bought a couple different products to help him groom - the Furminator especially has helped immensely. If we can't keep it under control this way, our next step is paying a groomer to teach us how to safely give him a cut like this. Hopefully his poor kitty pride will remain intact...

synergy Level 6 July 4, 2018

My cat used to love it when I gave her a lion cut. It’s the only time she would snuggle with me lol

Leeshi Level 7 July 4, 2018

I have my male cat shaved. His hair is so long that it will knot and the vet said it could cause him serious problems.


Romeo and, in the background, my poor old Moose who is no longer with us. When we first got him he had the lion cut and towards the end we had to do the same because of matting.

kmdskit3 Level 8 July 4, 2018

That looks like a lion cut. It’s a close cut but not bald so I don’t think it’s detrimental to the cat especially if matting was an issue. Their hair grows back quickly enough.

graceylou Level 8 July 4, 2018

[] I had a friend who had her cat shaved, I always felt sorry for the cat. Generally vets don't recommend it unless there is a huge issue with hairballs.

@Sheannutt I once dated a guy with two lovely long hair kitties. Both cats were horribly matted and his house smelled like cat urine. There was no date after that.


I had a Russian Blue /tabby that would yank out all his belly fur for the he summer, and lose weight - looked like a different cat

Justjoni Level 8 July 3, 2018
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Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness...Got ya!!!

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