8 8

I was reminded of something the other day. When Xena was an only cat I noticed she freaked when I would OM. She would look around and move away from me. So now I have Zelda, and I tried it last night. Same reaction. They can't figure out where it is coming from and they don't seem to like it. It has come in handy today when they're getting into stuff I don't want them in. Try this with your cats and tell me if you get the same reaction.

HippieChick58 9 July 4
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You might be right on the purring! Haha! Can you imagine what their thoughts are? I suppose if they are leaving....hmmmm

Hathacat Level 9 July 5, 2018

I just tried left the room and another got the strangest look on her face.

IAmLove Level 7 July 5, 2018

You mean the Buddhist chanting? ooomm?

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 4, 2018



Why do people have to use acronyms? Do you think it is a secret code? Is it only for your inside buddies? Are you too embarrassed to use the whole words?

OldGoat43 Level 9 July 4, 2018

it isn't a code, it is a word, said very slowly. Try it. Feel the vibrations in your throat and chest as you say it. Makes my cats run from wherever I am. Think of it as aaaahhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


My cat just went about his business haha.

I have discovered that he can’t handle female vocalists when they belt out their lyrics. He has tried to knock my phone out of my hand if I play Lady Gaga (the more acoustic sounding songs) or Adele.

There’s also an app that makes him come running from wherever he’s hiding if I play it. Comes in handy when I need to give him his medicine or take him to the vet. It’s called Human to Cat Translator. Basically just recorded cat sounds, but it’s definitely fun with both cats and dogs.

Leeshi Level 7 July 4, 2018

My cats don't mind it at all?

But then they don't mind my singing either... lol

RavenCT Level 9 July 4, 2018

I just did OM and Cloris came from the living room and is now staring me, a weird look on her furry face.

SKH78 Level 8 July 4, 2018


precisely, and feel the vibration of your diaphragm. It's actually very relaxing, but seemingly not for the kitties.

They think you're purring.

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