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Feline intuition?

Our newest cat does not like high wind against the house, hard rain, or thunder. He always hides downstairs upon hearing it.

Tonight, we had severe thunderstorms move through, including some pretty good hail. This same cat ran downstairs, but then came back up, sat next to a person, crying, until that person went downstairs. He did not quit crying until we were all down there. If anyone moved away from the main room, he'd cry again.

I've never encountered this behavior in any other pet. He seemed to be protecting us. (or keeping himself company?)

Has anyone else been similarly protected?

Zster 8 July 22
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Nope, never experienced anything like that.


That is amazing. What a smart kitty....and so protective of his family.

IAmLove Level 7 July 22, 2018

We feel particularly treasured by our last two additions, both rescues. The newest one showed up as a very upset stray. We could be VERY important to him.


Have you had the cat since little or did he have a life before joining you? If so was he traumatised, even as a kitten, by a storm?

FrayedBear Level 9 July 22, 2018

He showed up at the house as a stray. We've no idea what his backstory is, but yes, he sure seems to know what bad weather is!

@Zster have you tried showing him that it is safe behind the glass window even in the storm whilst giving him a treat for every 60 seconds that he stays there?

@Zster So the lovely cat adopted you. Most cats I think are afraid of thunder etc. But for convincing you to join in safety. That is one very wonderful cat.


You'll have to check out storm reports tomorrow.

When we get tornado warning I have one who will head for the basement. When he does that? I follow him.

RavenCT Level 9 July 22, 2018

Know what? I think I will be doing that as well.

@Zster Better hearing than I'll ever have. I also think they feel the barometric pressure changes way more than humans.


Awe, he's a cute kitty. When I was younger I had a cat that would attack my mom when she would yell at me. She was a good cat. Your cat is obviously looking after you like it would look after it's kittens. Either that or it doesn't want to have to go through the task of finding new slaves, I mean caregivers, and ilhe like having you guys around.

He's a rescue who is hoping to be done "shopping" I suspect! He's got it made, having landed here with us...

@Zster Awe. I'm sure he does have it made. All of my cats have been rescues. The live a very good life and I'm sure ours does too.


The behavior of animals can seem quite strange. Let me recount an event I saw on Book TV, do not remember the episode, or book being discussed. There was several people going through the jungle in Honduras. They got to the place where they wanted to be and one of the men decided to pitch his tent under a tree. While doing this the monkeys in the tree made all sorts of noise and went nuts. The man left to go to another tent to discuss what they were going to do the next day and eat dinner. Upon going back to the place he had pitched the tent he became aware of a Fer de lance, very poisonous snake. The man did not tell more about the incident, but I got to wondering. Were the monkeys telling the man not to pitch his tent there because a poisonous snake would place itself there ( I assume to get the monkeys if they came down from the trees) or were they just making noise because they did not want him there or some other reason. I have noticed that insects will move from their burrows before a rain storm. I do not know but there are other stories.

I think animals are very intelligent....far more than we give them credit for. Did you read the account of the elephants before that awful tsunami in Asia? They sensed it’s arrival and automatically took a group of Japanese tourists to higher ground. What a surprise that must have been.

@IAmLove I did not hear about this, thanks.

Animals that live in nature have to learn to understand it, I should think. The birds at my feeders were QUITE numerous and frantic before the storm hit. They knew something was up.

@IAmLove Wow! Can you imagine having your human life spared that way? Wow!


I only worry about the weather if my cat becomes antsy. If she's just chilling, then I'm good. ?‍♀️

purcascade Level 5 July 22, 2018

I vote for he wanted to protect you.

kmdskit3 Level 8 July 22, 2018

It really seemed that way. (:


Likely wants the family to be safe too.

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