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CAT CALLS -- Everyone who has ever owned a cat and a dog, know the main differences between the two.

But what I want to focus on is how they each react to being called. Most of the time you don't even have to call a dog, because they will be right by your side. Cats being more independent and aloof, will hide themselves away in hard to reach nooks making them both hard to fins and hard to summon.

Whistle for a dog and you'd better be prepared for the dog to come bounding towards you. Cats not so much.

Whenever I can't find Giselle or she won't respond, I go to the refrigerator and crack open a new tray of ice. Like me, she likes her water cold and comes running to the kitchen from wherever she is hiding.

Who says cats don't come when you call them.

Snickers77 8 Sep 5
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One of my two comes when I call her, usually, the other, her litter mate either ignores me or is deaf, they are not old cats.


Lol. My boy is like a little kid, I call his name and he shouts "what!". I finally found little Fiona sneaking out of the cupboard above the refrigerator after I had been calling 10 minutes and was beginning to worry.

Booklover Level 7 Sep 6, 2018

Aww, she's cute. Sometimes my cats come when I call them, other times they don't. One of my cats will come if I call her name and then meow for her. Cats are their own creatures.


She's a pretty girl. Donimo loves cold water too.

Electro68 Level 7 Sep 5, 2018

Great post!

kmdskit3 Level 8 Sep 5, 2018

My cats all know their names and come when called. Unless they know I’m taking them to the vet. Dog forbid, you’re making a sandwich. Must have an audience of 5 or more cats.

graceylou Level 8 Sep 5, 2018

Lol - I just fished an opened can from the refrigerator. In checking the status of the contents, I made that ‘open can’ sound that got my kitty’s attention instantly. But in fact, when he’s outside, I can call him and most of the time he comes trotting up from wherever he is. He also joins me and the dog for walks.

Justjoni Level 8 Sep 5, 2018

Hey, are you that neighbor across the street who has been feeding the birds every morning? ! you look and sound like her.

@Plant1010J The Paradise where I live is not close enough to you for you to hear me, lol, but it could also be described as a ‘simple little town.’

hum. still 'sounds' like it's you . 🙂

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