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My little devils 😀

Agnieszka 7 Sep 11
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Dawwww so pretty!


Evil and plotting, they should be around other cats so they can better hide these traits. Beautiful furries.


Pretty demons though.


cats are the only gods in existence I know of, Egyptians mummified more cats than humans and I recall the word in hieroglyphs is " Bo Ha Ki " meaning divine ruler of the house, not just cat many Egyptian god icons are human statue bodies with cat heads... I would never call my beloved Service Cats "devils" they are nurturing playful acrobatic companions on duty 24/7 since January 4th 4 years ago, they travel with me 17 states, Ontario Canada 51 thousand miles...saved my life from low pulse low respiration many times

@Agnieszka yes my cat Kiti looks like she is most often skowling and only has beautiful wide open eyes when we play or when she is gazing off into the distance


Catching that tiny bit of demonic essence is rare. Usually they want you to think of them as cuddly and cute.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Sep 11, 2018

@Agnieszka . My two furry wonders have been making things crash to the floor in the middle of the night, but when I go to see what happened they are sleeping peacefully on a their beds. Nothing is out of place. It was loud.


I love this photo!

Justjoni Level 8 Sep 11, 2018

Aww, they're adorable.

@Agnieszka Yes they absolutely are. I love cats in general, especially my two.


Well focused.

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 11, 2018

@Agnieszka You could have maxed out your f setting to increase the depth of field or was it taken with the phone?

@Agnieszka yes i messaged you about it.


Somethings about to happen.

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