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My Cloris often bites me when I stroke her. I don't understand. I am just being nice, but when I pet her she suddenly bites and scratches my arm ... and here I bust my butt to support her.

SKH78 8 Nov 2
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My Charlie does that when I ignore him. He will jump up and slap my arm, on the arm of my chair. If I don't react, he will grab my arm, to get my attention. I go through lots of bandaids.

tfg1929 Level 6 Nov 2, 2018

Mattie used to do this, depending who pets her and how. Do you pet with long strokes, head to tail? A vet once told me to pet only a part of the length of the cat, like ears to just past the shoulder. I try to mix up the pets, some long, some short. Mattie seems to enjoy it, in that she no longer bites me and seems to stick around for more petting. It also might help to encourage Cloris to play more so she gets some of her aggressive energy out and not by attacking when you’re petting her. Good luck! It sucks when kitties do this.

Will try that

Good advice.


I would suppose that those are meant to be "love bites" that have become a little too over zealous. Control is important to small animals when around a huge biped such as us.
Remember a few years ago when a woman lost her arm to her pet lion (or tiger). She didn't want anyone to reprimand the animal because she felt it was just the lion's nature.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 2, 2018

Some cats get easily overstimulated. I usually say OW! Then stop petting and move away, ignore her till she asks for attention again.

Booklover Level 7 Nov 2, 2018

This would be my approach too.


I think it ususally has to do with not enough time spent with Mom when they were kittens.

I've learned that a loud sharp cry can work well.

RavenCT Level 9 Nov 2, 2018

Some do that.

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