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I can’t sit anywhere without a lapful of cats. Lynx was already on my lap, then Lucy came and flopped on top of him. I guess I’m not going to get that snack after all.

graceylou 8 Nov 5
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Your cuties are helping you with your diet. Whether or not you know you are on one. Cats are that way. I need a very large lap cat.

If they all help with that I will be a skeleton soon

@graceylou Well then they are helping you with your fitness training. Actually I have no idea why they do why they do but I try to put a positive spin on it and I need something to keep me from the refrigerator and lifting cats is actually exercise.


It's not a home without a cat in your lap.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Nov 6, 2018

They're just protecting you from your own dangerous impulses.

Well, I wanted to get an apple. Shucks.


Lose weight...Get a cat!!! LOL


Savor the warmth.

glennlab Level 10 Nov 6, 2018

But...that face!!!


You ain't goin' noplace!

Double feline paralysis


I love cats, just not all over me.

I prefer them not overwhelming me but sometimes I lose.


But they so cuuuute!

Hathacat Level 9 Nov 5, 2018

I think my arm is falling asleep

@graceylou No snack yet?

@Hathacat Nope.

@graceylou are they still cute?

@Hathacat My Lucy always thinks she’s super cute.

@graceylou Well she is! Awww!

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