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Ok everyone, I need suggestions. My Ni ni kitty has opened a sore on her neck and keeps scratching at it. It starts to heal, but then she opens it again. My roommate suggested neosporin, which seems to help, but then she just scratches it again. It's right on her neck so I can't use a cone. I've seen booties for sale, but I feel like she'd just rip them off. Ideas? The sore is just smaller than a dime. If it hasn't improved by next week, I'm going to have to take her to the vet.
And here's a pic of her being adorable

Remi 7 Dec 27
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Try using an old cotton sock with the toe cut off and pull it over her neck so she can't scratch the area. Then use Neosporin under the sock cover. It'll be her Victorian Ruffle and only has to last a week or so..

OldGoat43 Level 9 Dec 27, 2018

Oh she's pissed at you now! ? actually she's doing ok. Aside from looking miserable. Poor Ni ni.


Has she been stressed out? My childhood kitty was a neurotic little thing and scratched herself raw in spots, usually around her neck. We had to put her on kitty tranquilizers.

purcascade Level 5 Dec 27, 2018

I don't think any more than normal. She had a tiny scab there from something and must have scratched it open. I'm going to try the sock trick a couple people have mentioned and see how it goes. She's tolerating it ok so far.


She certainly is adorable!

pixiedust Level 8 Dec 27, 2018

Silvadine - I always have some in the house for any wounds that don't want to quite heal up
I got the container from the Vet. It's not cheap but not scary pricey either. And you use a very small amount. It seems to sooth and it's antibacterial and all of that.

I used the stuff on me post Radiation treatment for burn wounds. So I can tell you from experience it doesn't hurt.

RavenCT Level 9 Dec 27, 2018

Use a sock with the foot cut off as a collar.

Hathacat Level 9 Dec 27, 2018

My vet said once that cats may have a reaction to neosporin, so that could be contributing to her scratching the spot. I’m not sure what to use instead- this only came up in conversation with my vet because I lived 130 miles from the nearest vet clinic and I was stocking a first aid kit for kitties.

SkagwayKim Level 7 Dec 27, 2018

Cover it with sugar & wrap a bandage around it. Cut the nails she scratches the sore with.

Mooolah Level 8 Dec 27, 2018

Sugar kills bacteria and they cannot live in it. Sugar has been used as an anti-bacterial barrier for centuries.


goldenseal, and a cone collar. she is cute!


genessa Level 8 Dec 27, 2018

Would she be totally opposed to wearing a shirt? Most cats can fit into an infant size 0-3 months. It might cover up the wound so she can't scratch at it.

Kynlei Level 8 Dec 27, 2018

Try rubbing the neosporin in real good so it will abosrb. Don't use it it's near a place she can lick off. Yes, take her to the vet if it doesn't get better after a few days of neosporin, she might need a shot of antibiotic.

Susieq Level 7 Dec 27, 2018

I would be interested in what the vet says. There might be a treatable reason that she keeps scratching there.

Zster Level 8 Dec 27, 2018
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