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Anyone here have a cat with food allergies? Any success with OTC antigen free foods?
My Rigby is being treated and the Hill diet is too expensive as well as unpalatable to him.

AmiSue 8 Feb 14
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AmiSue is gone for now. I will not engage this thread anylonger.

Mooolah Level 8 Feb 14, 2019

Not allergies, my cat has an aversion to anything but dry cat food. He won't go near wet cat food, home cooked chicken, fish, beef or anything other than dry cat food. That is weird.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Feb 14, 2019

Did you try plain tuna?

@AmiSue not personally, Frankie's sister uses it though...

@Cutiebeauty the salt content of canned tuna is really bad for cats.
Cats also aren’t technically supposed to eat fish, but god damn they love it.

Try raw ground fowl

@darthfaja I wasn't referring to canned tuna.... But I did just check, canned tuna has 180 grams of sodium... And when drained, it should be less than that... What is the RDA of sodium for cats?

@Cutiebeauty I don’t know. I just know my vet said it’s really bad for them.
When my kitties are really good I buy them raw tuna and chop it up for them
Ohhhh man do they ever go crazy


Feed him the cheapest hamburger you can buy. Raw then cooked. Alternate. Cats do not eat plant material.

Mooolah Level 8 Feb 14, 2019

@AmiSue Ok. I have not found it so. Try it, then decide.

I have had many cats that ate plant material.

@Hathacat Yes but they do not seek it as omnivores. They must have carrion to survive. Plant material for stomach ailments in order to vomit a hairball is not eating carrots as a treat.

@Countrywoman One cat I had would beat you up for raw potatoes and another Guacamole. Go figure!

Cats must have taurine. If you're feeding just raw meat you will need to supplement it.

@Booklover Taurine is an enzyme which raw meat has.

@Booklover, @Hathacat Avocado toxic. Raw potato if green toxic. You are lucky.

@Countrywoman It was such a strange thing, but I didn't "Give" it to them.

@Countrywoman I have heard about green potato being poisonous, but I have worked in restaurants that gave no notice to the green in potatoes, what is up?

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