10 6

Washing the cats
I had an app't with my doctor because of the year- long cold. He suggested allergies. His tip was to wash the cats. Now i have a very lonng haired, fierce main Coon cat mix, Hella. I would not dare even thinking of getting her near the sink. But the idea of washing the cat seems to have ,merit. has anybody here ever tried rubbing their furry princess with a wipe? Just to remove the top layer of fur? I would love not taking the steroid nasal spray.

Spinliesel 9 Mar 11
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When I have had cats, I bathed them from kittenhood so that they would be used to it when the time that it really mattered came, lol. Good results with this. It won't help in this situation though! I would go to pet smart and ask. I have wipes for my dog that are not bad for their skin.

Hathacat Level 9 Mar 12, 2019

Maine Coons are supposed to like water... at least my daughter’s Maine Coon does.

Rob1948 Level 7 Mar 11, 2019

There are wipes and also a foam stuff that you comb out that might be good

Frctnal Level 7 Mar 11, 2019

I'll look for it and report back.


Have you tried brushing kitty with a cat brush once a day? Main Coons have very long hair as you mentioned. My mom had a Norwegian Forest Cat (which is kind of similar). Brushed him once a day and had good results. He go so used to being brushed that he knew at a certian time in the evening.. he wanted to be brushed. Some domestic cats do like water. I want to say the Main Coon and Norwegian Forest cat are two that are more open to liking the water. No guarantees tho.

My neighbor has a Norwegian Forest cat and it does not like water. She will claw fiercely if anyone tries to bathe her. I don't know if she tries brushing her.


I had 5 years of desensitizing shots for allergies. I'm fine now & have been for decades. I was told to get rid of my cats.....I said....NOT HAPPENING!!!!

Oh, no, never!

You are a true cat guardian. I treat my cats better than some parents treat their own kids. In some cases, that isn't saying much tho. 😟


Are you sure you have an allegy to cats?


My mother washed our childhood pet, Fred, a siamese. As she began to hose him down, she said, "15 years of cat spit down the drain."

He was not happy and this was a cat who would shit on your pillow cuz you had crossed him. I never asked her how many times she had to buy new pillows 😉

Knitfreak Level 7 Mar 11, 2019

@Byrdsfan he was wicked cool


Oh that's hell

Dandewine Level 7 Mar 11, 2019

No, but I was fishing on the dock with minnows the cat couldn't resist and he fell in the lake. That cleaned him up.

CallMeDave Level 8 Mar 11, 2019

Does not sound fun.

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