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My cats victimize me. Cloris like to bite me and Zoe likes to scratch me. I bust my butt to support them. Some thanks I get.

SKH78 8 May 1
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I have been lucky so far! The feral cats who adopted me have only scratched me a couple of times, only drew blood once by a scratch!

Cloris was born to a feral mother, adopted by Humans at age six weeks. But she still behaves feral. I have tried so hard to civilize her. Sigh.

These kittens are now going on four weeks the mother is a feral cat at first she would no let me touch them now I pick them up and hold them without any problems! I call the mother Spot she has been coming around now for over a year now! She also lets me pet her and pick her up!


Teach them better manners . A small spray bottle squirt when they bite or scratch . Bit first . make sure that your behavior , isn't starting the issue .

Cast1es Level 9 May 2, 2019

Cats have no morals. You love them anyway.

GinaKay Level 7 May 1, 2019

My cats believe they are goddesses. The demand to be served and worshipped.


Are they feral?

MojoDave Level 9 May 1, 2019

Cloris was born to a feral mother, adopted as a tiny kitten. Zoe is not feral. But they both act kind of feral with the love bites and not so love scratches.


Why are they doing that to you?

Because they can. Lol

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