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Most of my cats are one person animals but I think I may react this way if one began liking another human LMAO

MeriMaat 5 Mar 14
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I never have more than one cat at a time. That way, there's no question as to who is the number one cat - I am the number one cat.

BitFlipper Level 8 Mar 20, 2018

Our cats show extreme person preferences, while liking the entire family. My kids still have not figured out why my lap is THE lap for feline napping. I don't have the heart to explain the softness factor... (;

Zster Level 8 Mar 15, 2018

@giggity666 All my cats (3) are rescues (shelter) with sad beginnings. The one that I've had for 1 1/2 years - decided that my lap was "The Best Thing Ever" this Fall. He'd never let me touch him except when he was on the floor up until that moment.

He now sprawls in my lap. It's awesome.
Sometimes it just takes time.

Also my middle one is a "Spirit Kitty" - who ghosts when guests arrive. My sister upon seeing her in the hallway "She DOES exist!".


First, in general my family is too "loud" for my cats to feel comfortable around them. My cats usually hide. There is one exception, my male cat who distrusts everyone else lied still while a soft-spoken nephew helped me with a computer issue. If someone I bring into my house forms a bond with my cats, that says something about my acquaintances.


I never have a thought like that... 😉

kmdskit3 Level 8 Mar 14, 2018

My cats decide who is good enough to love....both are 24-7 service cats providing tenderness to those in need not greed


Top Cat?

Coldo Level 8 Mar 14, 2018
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