3 9

chava is making herself at home. wendy lets her snuggle a little but then hisses. tevye washes her face and then growls and hisses. go figure. chava likes the dog food, the dog and wendy like the kitten food, and tevye is just miffed that there is a baby in the house. and chava likes richard's beard a LOT!


genessa 8 Aug 11
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Need some pix of all the action please!!!!!

workin' on it!


@genessa Cool!


Who's confused ? Me .

Cast1es Level 9 Aug 11, 2019

two old cats: tevye and wendy. one new kitten: chava. one young dog: ramona. one old man: richard. me. that's the family.



You went and got a new fur kid? Good for you! 💜👍

RavenCT Level 9 Aug 11, 2019

yep, a tiny gray two-month-old kitten. got her for tevye. he hates her so far but he is a good boy and he will love her. i just know it.


@genessa It always takes a little time. They don't smell like "home" when they come from the shelter. It gets better. ❤

@RavenCT She smells like home by now I think but for sure she smelled like someone else's home at first. Her mama was a rescued pregnant cat whose teacher delivered the kittens, had them dewormed and given their first shots and then sold them. I bought this one for $50 and hauled her home to be my widdle baby. What a loud purr this baby has!


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