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Cat introduction - beyond successful! Our chronically crabby 15 YO cat (Jack) just moved with my daughter to her new place. The kitten already living there (Mac) developed a huge case of hero worship for the oldster! In less than two weeks, Jack is already caving in. I never dreamed I'd see the day when Jack would honestly like anyone! It's heartwarming... (see if you can guess who is who - the body language is most eloquent!).

Zster 8 Sep 18
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Oh god. The last picture.
But he’s adored now.

Sydland Level 7 Sep 19, 2019

Good for both of them .

GEGR Level 7 Sep 18, 2019

Jack's the black cat. lol

So cute what's going on in the pics. I love when they get on with each other.

RavenCT Level 9 Sep 18, 2019

Cute kitties. Kittens are definitely less threatening to older cats so the seniors are more accepting of them. We moved out here with our three older cats (all in their teens). I decided to adopt a 2 month old kitten. The older cats tolerated him but thought him pretty annoying wanting to play all the time. We got a 4 month old kitten play buddy for the other kitten. My two old boys became protectors of the kittens when my dogs got a little too close.

graceylou Level 8 Sep 18, 2019

just a coincidence but our last cat was a Jack & he could be grumpy.


My sister had three older cats (about 16 years each). When the first one passed they got a kitten and the other two older cats had mo problem with it... One even became very mothering.

I think older cats just are not as apt to be disagreeable with younger cats.

snytiger6 Level 9 Sep 18, 2019
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Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness

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