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My city, Minneapolis, now has a coffee shop with a "cat room". The room is kept separate from the coffee and snack area because of health department rules, but we actually do have a cat cafe. Mpls has a high percentage of cat people. We love dogs too, but there are incredible numbers of cat people.

SKH78 8 Mar 26
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I'd like to explore possibilities for something along the line of 'Cat Clubs' perhaps with a catchy name and Logo that could possibly avoid health department interference by being a private clubs with nominal annual fees, cards etc. and pre-packaged/sealed foods and drinks purchased on the way in, with members responsible for disposing of trash and wiping/sanitizing their tables upon departure.

This combined with air filters and regular vacuuming and daily sanitizing could make such a place both comfortable and sanitary. Cat lovers aren't bothered by the animal presence and those who are wouldn't join the club in the first place. Guests would still pay an admission fee and sign for auxiliary cards good for the day, with members responsible for guests' conduct.

Silver1wun Level 7 Mar 27, 2018

There's one in Tempe, a suburb of Phoenix.

Gotta check it out! Do you have the name and or address? I used to work for Arizona Humane Society in Phoenix about three lives ago. My granddaughter, who showed us the place in Suzhou, graduated from ASU last year with a major in Chinese. She never mentioned one existing back home in the states.

@TaraMarshall thank you


The one on Hennepin? Have you been yet?

kmdskit3 Level 8 Mar 26, 2018

Not yet, but am sure I will pay a visit. Would be nice to see lots of felines, playing and purring.


I would love to experience one.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 26, 2018

People walk them on leads to the cafe or like slaves carry them in in litters?

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 26, 2018

I would go there.

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