UPDATE: He seems to be doing much better today, but I'll still keep an eye on him. Thanks for the advice everyone!
Gross question alert............ I'm just trying to type enough words so that it doesn't show in the preview for those who do not want to see it....... Is that enough words to hide the gross? I think so.
Now that that's out of the way:
Anyone had a problem with diarrhea in their cats? Poor Munchie has had horrible diarrhea the last couple days. He doesn't seem to be going more than usual, but when he does, it's nasty. He got it all over his foot earlier and I had to wash it, but not before having to chase him around the house.
My Mazie has had diarrhea before, but it's gone away after a day or two. He did drink some gross water that was in a bowl I was soaking after cooking, so I assume it's from that, but I'm getting concerned. Anyone know if/when I should take him to the vet?
Try changing kitteaz diet. If that doesn't work take the little furry to the vet! If you have the money take kitty to the vet ASAP!
Cats are notorious for acting very normal even if they are sick so even if the diarrhea is the only obvious symptom, there could be more going on. The obvious question is if there were any changes to his food or anything he may have gotten into. Lots of cats, including one of mine, has a fussy stomach and gets diarrhea with some foods.
I don't worry if it has been only a few days. Will your vet process a stool sample without making an appointment to examine Munchie? Would be the cheapest way to start if they do.
You can check for dehydration by pinching his scruff - if it takes longer than normal to return to pre-pinch state he's dehydrated and should be seen by the Vet (for fluids).
I'd give it a few days and see if it resolves on it's own - drinking the mucky water might have been the trigger.
Go to your local pet store and see if they can make any suggestions that would less expensive then the vet since you're currently out of work..
if it persists and there is a change in his behavior, for sure take him to the vet. One of my kids has a cat with kidney problems and frequently had the shits. Now she is on prescription cat food... Luckily her mommy makes a bigger salary than her grammy does, that stuff ain't cheap.
He seems totally normal other than that. He is currently running around the house and jumping on his sisters, he can't feel too bad.
When in doubt ALWAYS have your Furbaby checked...Wish I could do more.
It's just, I don't want to take him in if it's something that'll clear up in a week. I'm not working currently so I'd rather not pay a vet if I can avoid it.
Posted by ThomasLeviWhen I became a father I learned what it's like to love someone more than life itself.
Posted by ThomasLeviWhen I became a father I learned what it's like to love someone more than life itself.
Posted by LaurenIt's my first grand's fifth Gotcha Day and this is her in the arms of my daughter as they drove home.
Posted by LaurenIt would be warmer for us both if he'd get on my lap, but it has to be his idea - though he still likes to stay close.
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