6 10

I just read a great book. "Trooper: The Bobcat Who Came In From The Wild" by F. B. Johnson. It is a true story, although in a couple of spots he may have taken artistic liberties in telling the story, but it is a heartwarming tale ofa bobcat kitten who gets rescued and raised and like all cats, becomes the center of lives of the peopel he lives with. It is just a really good story... especially if you like cats.

snytiger6 9 Feb 27
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Love my Cats .

GEGR Level 7 Feb 29, 2020

Does the cat die? I avoid animal books and movies for that reason. In fact you can just bet if there's a pet in any movie, it's doomed.

Booklover Level 7 Feb 28, 2020

He lives 19 years, and the story does end with his getting old and passing. I have to admit, that if an animal dies in a book or movie, I prefer it to be of old age.


Sounds good.


I may look it up.


Have you seen the new movie starring Harrison Ford . I believe it's called , "Call of the Wild ."

Cast1es Level 9 Feb 27, 2020

Maybe it will end up as a movie like Call Of The Wild did...

Might be hard to stage the part where he takes out a coyote.

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