4 13

Appropriate meme for these times:

bigpawbullets 9 Apr 9
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That's a very sweet picture of a kitten and duckling. Hope somebody adopted both of them.

Spudgun Level 7 Apr 10, 2020



Kitty and duckling comforting each other. Who'd have thought?


Why can't people do this?

I think some of us try.

We're not smart enough.

@Lilac-Jade I think we have to make the leap and just do it. At some point as a people, we have to realize that the harm done to one is actually in a real manner harm to us all. We are seeing, on a scale, we cannot fathom, harm coming to those around us that we have never even given the time of day. We go into a store and get something and do not even talk to the cashier in an authentic way. We go through the motions. Now we see that person standing there to take your money for whatever you are buying actually taking their life in their hands by accepting the dirtiest thing in our society. Money, not responsible in itself, but it moves through the hands of everyone collecting whatever is on those hands. All of a sudden we see in an authentic way the importance of this person. There are many of these people out there who are putting their lives on the line for us and they are getting nothing important in return. Many people are honking their horns and clapping out of windows, to celebrate the willingness of people to do this for us. We are told that the country cannot afford to pay for medical care for all. So far in the past two or three months, trillions upon trillions of dollars have been spent. Is this amount large or smaller than the supposedly great number of tens of trillions of dollars that it would take to pay for medical care for everyone. We are not working as a nation, yes some of us are, but not everyone. Giving money to those large corporations to keep them afloat has done nothing to improve the wellbeing of any of us. The rich have gotten richer, but it is not really helping the person who is going to work to pay the bill. Would we not have been better off if we had followed the expertise of those who have studied this epidemic by understanding others. Would we not be better off as a society to have health care that does not cost us our homes and well being. My heart goes out to those who do not have the money to pay for the services they are going to need to use if they get sick. We need to see each other as an important person who we probably do not know but who has the ability to keep me alive as I move through the path of this epidemic. Thoughts. I am probably not done on this rant.

@dalefvictor For one thing, I'm Canadian. For another, I'm in a small city where many of the cashiers etc, are our neighbours. Our health care is excellent, & our government is kicking through to support all of us.

@dalefvictor You have described, in a very basic and human to human level, what socialism is based in. Namely, that we are all human and have value to each other. Hence, we all deserve to have our basic needs met by the society if we cannot meet them thru capitalism. That all human lives deserve dignity and respect and have value that is not based on economic efficiency or profit as the top priority.

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Posted by LaurenIt would be warmer for us both if he'd get on my lap, but it has to be his idea - though he still likes to stay close.

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