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Fluffy cat in the window.

snytiger6 9 Oct 27
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bobwjr Level 10 Oct 27, 2021

this thing is what, 30 lbs......?!?!?!!!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Oct 27, 2021

She is actually less than 10 pounds, but it is hard to tell because she doesn't like beign picked up at all. If you try she fiercely hisses. She's my nephew's cat. He got her from a rescue. She is generally a very happy cat, unless you try to pick her up. She will only sit on my nephew's lap, and only sleeps with him and nobody else. She will let you pet her and scratch her behind the ears.

My nephew works for Microsoft. He was living in Seattle when he got her from the rescue. However, with the pandemic, he was working form home and he decided to move back home and save rent money, so he and his cat came to stay with us.

@snytiger6 small window I guess....


Where else do I sit now you put the towel here?

I actually placed the towel there for the other (calico) cat. The fluffy cat doesn't often comes into my room. When she does she either just wants a little attention, or she may want to lead me downstairs to let her out, or most often, the door to my nephew's room is closed and she wants me to open it. She's my nephew's cat..

@snytiger6 I’m just observing that cats like to sit on stuff. When I roll out my yoga mat, they have to sit on it. Folded blankets, sit, towels, odd papers on table, sit, sit.

@Killtheskyfairy Yeah. The fluffy cat (the one in the photo) likes to sit on my nephew's laptop.

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