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The boy cat just called me downstairs.. because the friskies dish was nearly empty.

snytiger6 9 May 13
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Emily will wake me up any time the cats' food bowl is running low... i.e., is half full.


And your problem is?

kmdskit3 Level 8 May 13, 2018

Well, today he got me uup to open up the front door, and the back sliding door was open so the cats coudl use the cat door in the sliding screen door. Nope, he had to come upstairs and wake me up, so he coudl go out the front door. Never mind that if he simply went otu the back door and walked around the house, it woudl be just as far as coming upstairs to get me and goign back downstairs to go out.

I just wish the cats coudl figure this stuff out for themselves.

@snytiger6 Sorry, but I'm still not sure what the problem is? 😉

If coming up to get you was equal steps/work to walking out the back and around, the cat had to use a different metric for making the decision. "With which of these options do I get to wield my power over the hooman?"


Hop to it, human servants are not allowed time off. The cat's needs must be served 24/7.

OldGoat43 Level 9 May 13, 2018

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