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Community guidelines?

The link does not wok to bring them up... at least it did not for me.

AsAbove 4 May 20
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Community Guidelines
A key part of this site is the ability for members to post questions, comments, and links. As we want to ensure that this platform is inclusive and discussions lively yet productive, we would like members to consider the following guidelines. Help make this an intelligent place for discussion and it will be.
Remember that people come to their own truth differently.
We welcome debate and dissent but personal attacks, persistent trolling and similar abuse will not be tolerated.
Avoid profanity, vulgarity, etc. Arguments have more impact if they are polite and respectful.
Recognise that there is a difference between criticising a politician, government, organisation, religion or belief and attacking people.
Keep comments as short as possible while still getting your point accross.
Stay on topic. If you want to create a new topic thread, simply post it using the "Post" button at the top
If you post a link to another site, please make sure that it's relevant to the discussion.
Whenever possible, do a search first to see if the topic has already been posted. Feel free to comment on the original post as your comment will show up at the top of the list when sorted.
Don't post anything commercial. If you think there is something that the community wants to buy, send it to us first 🙂

RavenCT Level 9 May 20, 2018

Thanks for the info 🙂

@AsAbove You're very welcome.

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Posted by RobertNappi2Wednesday morning cuteness...Happy holidays all!

Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness...Mini me

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