Anti-Democrat Party Liberals

A place for liberals who arent part of the new wave of "liberalism" that is pushed by the corrupt Democrat party that only focuses on identity politics while passing right wing oligarchic style policy at all turns.

A place for liberals who arent part of the new wave of "liberalism" that is pushed by the corrupt Democrat party that only focuses on identity politics while passing right wing oligarchic style policy at all turns.

Most Viewed Posts By Piece2YourPuzzle (14) (Page 2 / 5) Posts by anyone

Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Aug 6, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Snickers77
Blue Wave doesn't mean shit if the same assholes are in office!
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Oct 14, 2018Oct 2018

Posted by Seeker3CO
What is your take on the Democratic Socialist movement as a legitimate liberal alternative to the admittedly spineless and corrupt Democratic Party?
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Apr 8, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by TerriCity
As a recent NOW member who joined the election committee, I've had the privilege over the past few weekends of going over political candidates questionnaires and interviewing those candidates for offices from federal congressional seats to school ...
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Apr 8, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by McIntyre
Do correct me but I think Anti DP liberals are a necessary creation because the alternatives of Republican Neoconservative and Democrat Neoliberal are ... appalling.
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Nov 28, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Bobbyzen
Democrats freaking out about Trump using tear gas seem to think this is a new, unique Trump phenomenon, and that defeating Trump in 2020 will somehow restore sanity to our government. It's the neoliberal version of Make America Great Again, both ...
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Mar 25, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by NothinnXpreVails
Clip from Bill Burr’s podcast, parallels my ideas pretty well.
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Apr 10, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by McIntyre
Political Argument is futile but this isn't: simple discussion of economics. . If political discussion worked then by sharing ideas everyone should agree. Even something as simple as whether Hillary is any good should result in a convergence of ...
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jul 11, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Snickers77
No longer voting for corporate Democrats.
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jan 13, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by dokala
You don't say.
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jan 3, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Piece2YourPuzzle
Republicans vs Democrats - PAYGO "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the newly elected New York Democrat, called PAYGO “a dark political maneuver designed to hamstring progress on healthcare” on Twitter." Some look at the Dems as playing ...
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jul 26, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by MissaDixon
Just saying hallos!!!!
Shared from Politics
Jan 23, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by PBuck0145
Daniel Dennett: ‘I begrudge every hour I have to spend worrying about politics’ Contains an older, but very entertaining video on consciousness
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jan 3, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Piece2YourPuzzle
British Spy Found Inside Bernie Sanders Campaign I posted this on another website, and the first comment was, "Well, at least they're on our side. Who knows who that Slovenian spy in Trump's household is working for." Some people...
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Mar 25, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by NothinnXpreVails
Clip from Bill Burr’s podcast, parallels my ideas pretty well.
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Apr 3, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by William_Mary
I started a group for independent news sources. If you're interested in getting some news outside of the MSM feel free to join. I'll do my best to keep fresh articles up towards current affairs and make replies. Fair warning though, I work weekdays ...
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jul 26, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by MissaDixon
Oh so true...and heartbreaking that no one talks about it.
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Nov 15, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Piece2YourPuzzle
A Few Studies FAIR Has Done On Mainstream Media Bias Towards The Establishment (Government/Corporations) Here are some links on the issue. I would love for them to do a more in depth study on more networks. A lot of these studies were done in the ...
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jan 24, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by mykhael
Glad to find this group here.
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Apr 6, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by Charlene
Finally found my place..pissah!!
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Mar 6, 2019Mar 2019

Posted by Piece2YourPuzzle
Pharma & Insurance Gave $43M to the 130 House Democrats Not Backing Medicare for All Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Washington) recently rolled out House Democrats’ version of a Medicare for All proposal that would ensure all Americans ...
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Jan 28, 2019Jan 2019

Posted by Piece2YourPuzzle
"“The speaker gets this,” said one centrist House Democrat. “She’s not going to have people walk the plank for the sake of it because we’ve gotta satisfy some of our vocal friends on the far left.”" Pelosi and Democrat ...
Shared from Politics
Dec 3, 2018Dec 2018

Posted by Piece2YourPuzzle
Dan Bongino - Obama, Mueller and the Biggest Scam in American History Wall Street Journal Article - How Lobbyists Help Ex-Soviets Woo Washington (April 17, 2007) - Unfortunately behind a paywall EDIT 1: Here is the episode ...
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Mar 4, 2018Mar 2018

Posted by sadoslim
Democrats are Neo-liberal and not real liberals.
1 comment
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Nov 19, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Piece2YourPuzzle
An Unreasonable Man
Anti-Democrat Party Liberals
Nov 30, 2018Nov 2018

Posted by Piece2YourPuzzle
Trying to overthrow Assad and Syria has been happening since at least about 2011 under Obama, and so has the U.S. government demonizing Russia (besides the whole cold war and McCarthyism in the 50s). So why can't people see this without connecting ...
1 comment

Photos 15 More

Posted by RoboGrahamSome of you will get a laugh out of this.

Posted by RoboGrahamSolid, air tight logic here.

Posted by PBuck0145 Vote for a turd?

Posted by RoboGrahamAlways remember to punch up.

Posted by RoboGrahamThis is our situation.

Posted by BobbyzenThe Democratic Party in a nutshell.

Posted by dokalaYou don't say.

Posted by Snickers77The MSM is not your friend.

Posted by Snickers77Blue Wave doesn't mean shit if the same assholes are in office!

Posted by Snickers77Blue Wave doesn't mean shit if the same assholes are in office!

Posted by MissaDixonOh so true...and heartbreaking that no one talks about it.

Posted by Snickers77It's easy to be against Trump, but what do you stand for?

Posted by Captain_FeelgoodThere's hope for us yet..

Posted by Snickers77No longer voting for corporate Democrats.

Posted by sadoslimThis is my political compass and where I lean. I am technically a Liberal Socialist and will stand with those views.

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