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LINK "Geopolitical and Energy Implications of Qasem Soleimani's Death"

"By now, everyone will have seen that the United States killed Qasem Soleimani, head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Qods Force, on January 2. The attack was carried out against a convoy of vehicles that also contained the head of the Kataib Hezbollah group as well as other Iraqi militia and Iranian personnel."

Question: How does this assessment seem to you?

AnonySchmoose 8 Jan 4
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It has been documented that the orange wonder contracted with these guys to have a building built in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Contracted with which guys ???

@AnonySchmoose The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. They handle the contracting of buildings where money laundering takes place. If you check into this you will find a video of Ivanka talking about the apartments and what an investment it will be. Becktel offered to build it for $25,000,000 I think, but it got built for $200,000,000. by the IRGC. There are no roads to the structure and it looks like a vagina.

@dalefvictor A lot of intrigue in that.


It is sooo obvious the timing was a critical point. Funny, but here we have a scumbag being impeached and he does what? Supposedly, tRump wanted to get out of international wars and pulled our troops from Syria, at the risk of a resurgence of Isis and putting harm in the way of our allies. It is totally about him, his power and control, and staying out of jail.
Maybe, if things go wrong (and they will) people will wake up to the megalomaniacs of the world and say no more. Did we not learn from Iraq, Saddam and his (supposed) WMD's?


So we're now fully engaged in a proxy war with Iran..for it's Oil reserves that Exxon Mobile crave to the detriment of our young and the worlds climate.
The Orange Shitbag has made any reproach with Iran after he's gone impossible.👿👿👿👿👿

Charlene Level 9 Jan 4, 2020

One of the problems for people is that the Middle East is a total mystery. Curiously, I watched a film just the other day (Queen of the Desert) about a woman called Gertrude Bell who lived there and became so knowledgeable about the people and the place that she was sought out by the British Army for advice. T.E. Lawrence too was another of those rare individuals. What do I know? I never heard of this general and it seems I'm not alone. So the article gave me some insight into the situation. I'm also looking forward to watching a video about this situation from a YouTuber who has a channel called Caspian Report. I hope he does it soon.

brentan Level 8 Jan 4, 2020

First of all, it was an unprovoked strike.

It didn't have to approval of Congress. Trump and his war-hungry allies never even notified them.

We obviously had had Soleimani on our radar for many years now. He has been a leading agressor of Iran.

But to take him out this way was unusually agressive.

Let's just say Trump killed Soleimani, NOT the United States.

First, I believe this was a provoking incident to give tRump a poll boost with supporters and will bring more death to Americans. That said, Congress, under the Patriot Act et al, gave up its rights to stop this and any President from "small" attacks or incursions. Also, by placing the Revolutionary Guard on the terror list, the administration can simply say they killed a terrorist, not a ranking member of a sovereign state.


Just another disgraceful thing that the US has done. Trying to start a war with Iran by any means.

Jolanta Level 9 Jan 4, 2020
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