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This is what I think. Please tell me if I wrong.

"The right wing and far right (nationalists) started simmering when this started happening in the last 15 years:

  1. The terrorist attacks from outsiders started to happen on their own land, in their neighborhoods
  2. Wars caused or instigated or ignored by us in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and other lands started to send refugees to all Western countries including the U.S. We can show empathy and charity for problems of other people (especially far away) all we want but when the problem starts to live in our own neighborhood, we get uncomfortable, it makes us anxious, stressed and often angry."

This emboldened the right wingers or nationalists who were just waiting to capitalize on people's frustrations, anger, rage. They just found the elements they had been waiting for. The same thing happened to Germany after World War I that gave a rise to Hitler and his Nazi party.

This was in the making. I sensed it the moment the Iraq war started cooking in Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush's kitchen. I knew this is what it would lead to. The rise of far right and nationalists is just a product of the last 15 years, not more. All happened right in front of our eyes. We all were reading the news. Don't go reading online articles and books to understand what happened. This was not rocket science to understand. You just need a clarity of thought.

Most things in life are not complicated if you have a clear mind and some intuition to understand.

St-Sinner Level 9 Feb 14, 2020

It's a madhouse there from what I read. The Greeks must feel utterly swamped.

brentan Level 8 Feb 14, 2020

Yes indeed - their quality of life must be dreadful.

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