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What are the ways we should fight the inequality in America's classrooms?


"Online Schooling Is Highlighting the Inequality in Our Classrooms.

"If online instruction exacerbates already existing inequalities and makes them greater, it will be devastating for our public school population, pre-K through college ... Right now, the most disenfranchised students are getting hurt the most.” The only way to even begin to make sure their needs are better met ... is for there to be true collaboration between students, faculty, teachers’ unions and school administrators."

"Lack of technology causes difficulties in keeping up ... Homeschooling can’t happen for those without a home — or, at the very least, a place where they can sit, focus and learn ... NPR reported in early April that 47 percent of public school and 18 percent of private school students had not connected to any online learning platform in the first three weeks of the [ pandemic ] transition ... Many teachers are struggling to find the right balance between academic rigor and recognition of the emotional upheaval students are experiencing.

"Nineteenth-century educator Horace Mann theorized that education would be the “great equalizer,” leveling the playing field for rich and poor. This obviously hasn’t happened" ... Cultural critic and writer, Henry A. Giroux, has made the point that "the defunding of education fuels fascism ... Many ways of fighting for equal education must come into play to correct the negligence in America's educational system -- kindergarten through college." []

AnonySchmoose 8 May 4
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In this area, you get two kinds of teachers. Those who always wanted to teach, and are generally good at it, and the majority who flunked out of fields that would have been much higher paying , and wound up grabbing a teaching certificate on the way down. They don't want to be there. They generally don't last, and they generally have a negative impact along the way. When you consider most of the young teachers in the US now are products of no child left behind ( i.e. no child permitted to excel) themselves, it's a pretty scary situation.
I homeschooled my kids when young. When they went into public school as teenagers, I noticed their vocabulary going in the toilet . They explained that first, they had to dumb down because none of the kids understood anything they were saying. Then after a bit, they had to dumb down further as they realized none of the teachers could understand them either 😟

wolf041 Level 7 May 5, 2020

That situation is both shocking and scary. And I know the right wing works to dumb down the American population merely to remain in power and control everyone they can. They are such bullies and cheats, and they're why education gets cheated by not having good pay and good teachers, and then deteriorates to shit.

@AnonySchmoose Around here , teachers make less than they could at Mc Donald's. Many have to drive a bus or some other secondary job as well just to attempt to make ends meet....then people wonder why they aren't attracting the cream of the crop. The really good teachers get snatched up by the private, all christian schools. My cousin and her late ( Persian ) husband were Muslim , but they sent their kids to a private Catholic and a Baptist school just so they could get a half decent education. I can't imagine what those kids went through here in the bigot belt.

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