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The Biden camp has found the easy out for dismissing Warren as VP pick.

They claim they're worried about her Senate seat being given to a Republican. 🙄🙄🙄

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 14
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it is sad I would of voted for bidan is he picked Waran because i like her disability rights plan however if he picks amy I am 110% voting for the green party


I usually fall asleep fast, when I do not I listen to podcasts. So far I have found Eric Weinstein to have interesting podcasts. Last night I was listening to one and I thought he was talking about this next election and the manner in which it is being run by the political parties. I think he said that the reason the people we have running, Trump and Biden, is because the system of Capitalism has been failing the people.
The people know this as do the leaders, but these guys are there because they are the last of the old political people that will keep the system working for those who are in power, thus not allowing for any other leaders to rise and bring forth a new system that will work much better than this one which is broken. If this is true and those who are in power are not going to fall away for new blood to help than we have to wait for them to die off. This last sentence is mine as is the rest.
We have not been a democratic Nation for some time probably since Reagan. Control has moved to Wall Street and the rich 1%, they want to keep it this way as if they loose power then they will also loose their money. So far we have Socialism at the top. All the trickle down is about giving money to the rich, it is supposed to get to the people who are producing the profit, but so far in the last ten times it has been tried it has not worked, many of the little people just get stuck paying for it. We are told as a country that we cannot afford Socialism, we have had it for the rich for at least forty years. Inflation, the lose of the value of the dollar, and rising profits take money out of the economy. Workers are making more in numbers but the value of what they are taking home has basically not changed in decades.


It's true..we do have a Rethuglican lite Governor here..hell he's more Dem than Biden...

Charlene Level 9 May 14, 2020

Biden (like Obama) is just another centrist. They may as well be republicans


It is all BS!

We never get what we want!!!!

If there is even an election, we still will be chipped and vaccinated unknown materials just so we can be tracked on our cellular’s!!!

That way they can suppress the vote by mail as a Chinese plot!!!

Martial laws will prevail, possibly!!!

Welcome to the new normal!!

Orchestrated by the few!!!



Problem is, we are not privy into all the things that go into decision making. Missing certain knowledge really puts us in no position to judge. Perhaps, Warren didn't want the job. We really don't know and making negative suppositions don't help.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 14, 2020

@SeaGreenEyez I am a pragmatist and mostly centrist except for matters concerning the environment and freedom of religion. If one's ideology is doomed to failure then perhaps compromise is necessary. My feelings.

@SeaGreenEyez Yes I am whit and a guy but I am not typical and often hate being in this tribe. The problem I see is not so much of semantics but self-righteousness and the need to put one's beliefs over the good of humanity and even the planet. How many feel it is their right to go mingle with the crowd and no one can tell them otherwise? How many refuse to get vaccinated and could care less about spreading diseases to other's? There are all kinds of whack jobs on this planet who feel their rights and beliefs transcend the fate of other beings on this planet.
The reality is that the slowest thing to evolve is physical things and 2nd are cultures and society. Changes come in baby steps and extremists think they can make things go faster when they actually often make things get worse. We have not seen the bottom but well if our idiot-in-chief and his enabling ilk get re-elected.
A close friend got really pissed at us (my late partner and my friends best friend) because we chose to go with Obama -not a white guy- instead of Hillary, a woman. My friend was an extremist in some ways but admitted Obama was a better choice.
No more head butting on this as I am done with this crazy discussion.


This is sad. I really would like to see Elizabeth in the V.P. position.

@SeaGreenEyez that's a Yuge whining ticket right there..😳


Joe needs to finish the vetting process and name someone soon.

glennlab Level 10 May 14, 2020

The DNC's gonna pick the VP slot..

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