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Georgia Battles 4-Foot Lizard That Officials Say “Eats Whatever It Wants”

Concerned wildlife officials say 4-foot-long Argentine black and white tegu lizards, that are capable of eating “just about anything they want,” are taking over Georgia and devouring its wildlife. These lizards were likely originally released into the wild by exotic pet owners after they became too large to care for.

Good grief! Last week it was giant wasps and today its giant lizards? And, if that isn’t bad enough, the Trump Administration is now considering releasing Michael dangerous predators like Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and Paul Manafort back into the wild.

On a positive note, experts say issues such as these are primarily only a problem in “red states,” noting that its not really a major issue in areas of the country where civilized people with triple-digit IQs tend to live.


johnnyrobish 8 May 14
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Declare Maralago a sanctuary for Tegu lizards.

davknight Level 8 May 22, 2020

Put them on a spit and roast them.

Sounds good to me.

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