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Is anybody weirded out by how we had no special tributes by the federal govt. during the Memorial Day weekend as the US was about to hit 100K deaths from Covid while we had tons of tributes and memorial events around and after 911 for so many years? Says a lot about our government and society's priorities regarding innocent victims. Some are important and some aren't...

TomMcGiverin 8 May 28
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They needed to use 911 to justify invading Iraq

Lucy_Fehr Level 8 May 29, 2020

Could be that events are restricted at the moment thanks to the virus.

RoboGraham Level 8 May 28, 2020

I think that those medical professionals who died during the pandemic are as deserving of our respect and gratitude as anyone who died in combat. Their sacrifice is as worthy of tribute as any, and we should do something to show our gratitude if for no other reason than to demonstrate to their loved ones that their loss is at least in some way all of our loss.

JimG Level 8 May 28, 2020

Here, here. I hope when this pandemic is over, if not sooner, that we see this happen. It would not by any means cheapen the honors given dead soldiers.


No, Memorial Day is about service members that have died, I am angered that Trump did not acknowledge the 100,000 that have died, but it would have been inappropriate for Memorial Day.

glennlab Level 10 May 28, 2020

While that is technically true, I also know that Memorial Day has now become a day that is also used by most churches and families to honor and remember their dead loved ones that are not military veterans. Thus, that is the reason for my wonder why there is no acknowledgement of the dead from Covid. Maybe that will change in the future.

@TomMcGiverin There are several days of commeration that have been perverted by those that would usurp the day for their own cause, I am not one of those and I will correct those that do. November 1 is the day that we honor all dead, Memorial Day is the day that was set aside to honor dead military veterans. There are 365 days in most years and many days are set aside for solemn rememberance.

@glennlab I hear you. I am just sharing my observations about how that date is practiced these days. I feel the same way about how Labor Day has lost all of its original meaning regarding unions, socialism, etc.

@TomMcGiverin I celebrate both International Workers Day and Labor Day. I correct people that offer me congratulations on Memorial day, Armed forces Day, Indepence day and tell them my day is Veterans Day, or as some call it survivors day.

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