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Student shot and produced, United States of Distraction: Fighting The Fake News Invasion chronicles critical media literacy and faculty experts, students, and media makers whom provide contextual analysis for understanding the current rise of the so-called “fake news” phenomenon. In addition to deconstructing fake news, the film reminds us that this is not a new development, but rather, a form of propaganda. The interviews provided in the film offer solutions for mitigating the pernicious influence of false content on America’s democratic institutions. Edited narrated by Abby Martin.

I often use terms like conditioning, perception management, and narrative control here. The beginning of this video will expose how we are constantly bombarded with news of this type through social media and our cell phones for many. Unfiltered with reliable news sources it becomes disastrous for our society. Today we are presently being bombarded with negative propaganda type news from both sides of the establishment towards agendas many don't recognize that must be filtered out with unbiased alternative new sources.

Eventually, @ 9:28, Mark Crispin Miller makes an appearance, and Peter Phillips. I highly suggest also watching the 2 videos of these men on the Welcoming Page if you have not done so yet, interviewed by Abby Martin who edited and is narrating this video. Millers interview is on propaganda and Phillips is about (who really rules the world) found at the bottom of that page. []

Miller indicates that what we get is a sense of antisocial imaging from what we receive which would correlate with the individualism we are suffering from in the US.

Within the establishment news cycle they count on us to lack critical thinking skills and just accept the information they deal out. Often merely accusations without any evidence and or unsubstantiated manufactured conjecture. As Miller later explains the evolution of fake news, I've said from the beginning in 2016 that Trump brilliantly used the term fake news as a tool to gain his support from one of the top fake news sources there is. The term is now being used against us to combat their fake news from both sides. They have in the past few years, especially since 2016, managed to turn all sense of our ability to fight them by exposing their conditioning, narrative control, propaganda descriptions against us within the same agenda conspiracy theorist was. As Phillips points out, 80% of the news from establishment sources is prepackaged by public relation propaganda firms. This, for example, is filtered down to the likes of Rachel Maddow to bellow out 3 years of fake news within Russiagate. Which if you haven't had you head buried in the sand now know was all a lie. Same as the chemical weapons fake news of Syria. 4 months of the NYT saying the Bolivia elections was a fraud now today admitting they were wrong as they have been with so many other issues in the past. Can I get a, Iraq? Ukraine? Venezuela? China?

Abby Martin also has a new documentary coming out on the Afghanistan war. She has delayed the release for it in respect for the current protest over George Floyd's murder.

William_Mary 8 June 12
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