Is income inequality in the US part of the reason we have racism
It is really shameful and has been going on for a long time. When my 2nd partner and I bought our first house we had just returned to the US and had only temp jobs. A house was presented to us but it was outside our limit. Still an exceptions was made but I kept thinking if we were black there would have been no exception.
One thing I feel (and this will get some - comments) is how can a US family ,who often has to work low wage jobs hope to make it when they have to compete with outsiders who are willing to work for even less? They cannot. This is another complex issue and people always look for simple answers.
Your use of the word outsiders is interesting . Are not all Americans outsiders. Unless you are a native american Indian.
@dermot235 You could say the same thing for African-Americans. I am talking about from this generation. Prior to 1975 (Viet Nam repatriation program) our immigration policy was mostly sustainable. Now it is completely unsustainable.
Glad someone got the fact that there were people's here before the Europeans arrived and decimated the natives. Ever seen the poster, fighting terrorism since 1492?
@JackPedigo So lets look at the facts
Most native americans had their land stolen and their culture crushed by the US government after the British had left you guys to govern yourselves. With the worst atrocities committed in the late 1800's.
If you want to know where the blame lies for the erosion of living standard of both low income and middle income Americas you can put that squarely at the feet of the Republican Party who have since Regan given tax cuts to the rich and cut social programmes for working americans. Scapegoating immigrants will not solve any problems because immigrants are NOT the problem. The problem can be solved by redistributing wealth from the 1% to struggling american families. Increasing the Minimum wage and providing FREE health care for low income workers. The republicans want you to BLAME the immigrant so they can continued to pick the pockets of ordinary Americans. And the White working class has bought this lie and now in large part supports TRUMP.
@dermot235 Lots of information often comes from the outside.
What is meant about less? Clinton, Carter and other democratic politicians all used the empathy card to give people here illegally an amnesty and all said it was a one time thing and would never be repeated. Yes. Obama deported more people than any other president. Still 2/3 of our population growth (some 2 million) is from immigration (new people and births within the first generation). At one time 250 million was seemed the best size. Then it went to 300 million. Now we have over 330 million and still counting. Yes, things have leveled of mostly through the pandemic. The tRump admin. goes after those here illegally but his admin and many industries still want cheap and pliable labor. It's called exploitation. We can't help others by exploiting them!
90% of natives were wiped out by European diseases as soon as the Europeans set foot on the land. South/Central Americas were exploited and robbed by the Spanish. The lands in our SW were owned by Mexico/Spain and were taken away by the newly formed US. But from the beginning the natives were considered a pagan, backward group and their heritage, lands and lives were stolen (even in Canada - BC).
I refuse to point fingers at one tribe. It is all our doing. People world-wide always vote for those that promise tax cuts and, at the same time, extra benefits. Few question where and how these things happen. The only way a true democracy will work is for people to be informed and vote based on their knowledge.
I was waiting for the 'immigrant' word to appear. It is not about people but the system all must live. Immigrants are not the problem per se but the immigration policy is. My late partner, an 'immigrant' from Iran (who came to the US at age 24 and struggled to get the citizenship for her family) once asked her 2nd graders (in a large Seattle public international school), what is more important people or dirt. She clearly understood the connection between people and their resource base. Also, I lived in Europe 15 years, I am the godfather of a Syrian/Turkish son whose family fled to Germany to escape the religious bigotry (they were orthodox). I totally believe people everywhere are the same (yet often different). Please don't make inferences about people because they say something that is seemingly controversial. This site is about critical thinking not immediately pointing fingers.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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