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Trump Wants to Block New Money for Testing, Tracing and the CDC

People involved in those talks, report that the Trump Administration is attempting to block billions of dollars for states to conduct testing, contact tracing and funding for the CDC - in the upcoming coronavirus relief bill.

Beautiful! Only Donald Trump could manage to propose a coronavirus “relief bill,” that offers "no relief.” But, I do see his point. As any good Republican will tell you, the only way to get rid of this virus, is by passing another “tax cut for the wealthy.

Frankly, at this point, I think we’d all be better off - if they just decided to use an Ouija Board to make federal policy decisions, but I suspect even the spirit world wouldn’t wanna be associated with any of the shenanigans this Administration’s concocting.

Anyway, after they implement all those budget cuts, I guess we can always take Trump’s earlier advice and try drinking bleach. Now, I don't always drink bleach, but when I do - I drink Clorox.


johnnyrobish 8 July 18
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They are buildingtheir nest eggsso they can build underground bunkers to stay safe as the world burns and dies.


Ok, Trump has massively fucked up. I’m not cynical enough to speculate on his motives, so I won’t.

A military leader who’d ordered an attack that went disasterously wrong, as Confederate General Robert E. Lee did on Day 3 at Gettysburg, might leave the field as soon as possible with what he can save. In WW 1 at Somme the English did the same. In WW 2 at Midway, so did Japan.

Here and now, with Covid-19 deaths estimated at under 0.2% of those under 50 infected and 7.8% of those over 80 infected, is Trump trying to leave the field ASAP with what he can save?

yvilletom Level 8 July 19, 2020

Son of a bitch!!!

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