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LINK Happiness - YouTube

Happiness as Capitalism is selling it to us: Never stop running , don't question the system, buy more stuff, counsume, don't look back to whomever failed the race ,step on them and keep chasing the illusion .

Shaghaf 6 July 28
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Problem is with our large numbers and high standard of living jobs have become the holy grail. Everything is about jobs and getting rid of industries like tobacco one always hears what about the lost jobs." We need to stick it to the 'man' and stop consuming and adopt a more simple and satisfying lifestyle. Years ago there was a video put out called "Affluenza."

It is basically the same as this cartoon. Little has changed.
JackPedigo Level 9 July 28, 2020

thank you for sharing the video, I will watch it soon (:

I do agree that "we" need to adopt other lifestyle and consume less, because we need less.. we , as a few individuals, is totally different than " we" as a whole culture that was built to consume, built in this way so few can make enormous profit and it's never enough for them.. what I'm trying to say that is not always an individual choice, because the whole culture, the norms in this society, the individuals behaviors were directed to the idea of "get more" , buy more, be more and the idea of race and competition !!!

@Shaghaf I totally agree that it is not often an conscious individual choice. This is where information comes into play. In Seattle years ago a movement started (about the time this video went out) called Voluntary Simplicity. A lot of people signed on and the movement grew. The founders decided to go national and held a convention in LA (their symbol was a hearse with a luggage rack). They didn't expect much of a turn out being in LA but they had to close the doors at 700 people and there was still a line waiting to get in. I think people hunger for this. I just talked to my daughter (who lives in the LA area) and got her interested in the tiny homes movement. The Youtube channel has tons of videos showing some amazing homes here and even internationally. People do want to downsize and downscale. Life has gotten too complex and stressful. Living where I do has really brought that idea home.


This about sums up what Capitalism truly is.

Yes it's so true and so real, yet most people are not able to see it ):


You nailed it..

Charlene Level 9 July 28, 2020

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