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Prejudice vs. Racism:

Racists often try to pass off the institutional racism associated with power as the mere everyday cultural prejudice common to all humans. However, the former is much larger and dangerous. In doing so, racists are minimizing the effects of racism in order to perpetuate it.

  • Every ethnic/national group has prejudice against neighbors. The greater the competition and friction, the greater the prejudice. This ordinary prejudice doesn't become racism until one group asserts power over another and uses a pervasive racist ideology to justify such control. Thus, Native Americans may have stereotypes and prejudices against Hispanics but that is not racism because they do not exert control over Hispanics using a racist ideology.
  • Some real examples of racism are:
    (1) those associated with white colonialism, slavery, and imperialism;
    (2) the Indian caste system
    (3) Israeli Zionism.
  • In these three cases, anyone not belonging to the favored group gets disrespect and inferior treatment. The resultant cultural prejudice is thus more extensive and intensive.
  • In contrast, an American Indian who dislikes the Hispanics in the neighboring town doesn't have prejudices against Polynesians or Asian Indians. His prejudices are merely localized. This is quite the opposite of white racism which is directed against, blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, East Asians, South Asians, Polynesians, Arabs, etc. etc.

Racists often try to minimize White Racism by slickly passing it off as just part of mere universal human cultural prejudice. It's the equivalent of the child abuser who tries to pass of his gross physical abuse as mere ordinary parental spanking.

It is thus important to keep these differences in mind in order to dismantle the types of real racism mentioned above. And this involves confronting those who minimize racism, i.e., those who use the same tired excuses that child abusers use to minimize their own violence.

Krish55 8
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It was not until I listened to Heather Cox Richardson's "The American Paradox" -it's on youtube - and her weekly history and political chats on facebook that I gained a real understanding of how many laws in this country have codified racial bias in our society.

Very interesting! Do you have a link?

@Krish55 Yes I do. It's on youtube

@silverotter11 Thank you!


Finally we are addressing racism. Keep the conversation alive.


Since the Indian caste system discriminates against fellow Indians, it cannot be racist be simple definition. They are all the same race.

The terms "racism and racist" are frequently misused.

Alienbeing Level 8 Jan 28, 2021

There are no absolute races. The definition varies according to culture. If you look at European history, the different nationalities were once considered different races. The biggest misunderstanding about race is that there is some sort of scientific underpinning for the generally accepted classification of races. It is instead a relative concept. The caste system in India derives in great part from the conquest of the dark skinned natives by light skinned invaders.

@Krish55 I am well aware that depending on what study one wants to cite, there are many or zero different races, and that is totally irrelevant to my reply to you. The FACT is the Indian caste system includes various skin tones in each caste, making your use of the word "racist" incorrect.

@Alienbeing Technically, you're correct. However the top castes are generally light skinned with Aryan features while the bottom castes are generally dark skinned with non-Aryan features. So if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, discriminates like a duck...

@Krish55 No, it is not a duck, you are merely rationalizing you own words.


Far too many generalisations there. Every human suffers from cultural prejudice ?. I don't think so.
Israeli Zionism is not racism but extreme nationalism

Moravian Level 8 Jan 22, 2021

I didn't say every human, but rather every human group that is next to another group with which there is some sort of competition. The Zionist idea of belonging to a chosen group and subjecting another less favored group to expropriation and mistreatment Is racist.

@Krish55 I would call it trbalism rather than racism. The Jews are not a race but a tribe. The myth of the twelve tribes of Israel ?.

@Moravian Technically you are right. But if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, discriminates like a duck…


Interesting all this. I sometimes ponder about if one is racist if one notices that certain countries citizens do or don't do something or other? For instance, black people are great dancers while a lot of white people have two left feet. If one notices this or thinks so is that being a racist? She of the two left feet wants to know.

Jolanta Level 9 Dec 31, 2020

The latter is actually a bit of a joke among people of color. It's actually cultural and has to do with the early exposure to rhythm and the encouragement of movement. Northern European Protestant culture is too inhibited and this shows up in dance spontaneity. I had a very similar deficit myself but overcame it with lessons, dedication, and practice - and learning to be spontaneous. As to the larger question, of course cultural differences exist!

@Krish55 have had so many lessons that it is coming out of my ears but still have two left feet.

@Jolanta Do you listen to music at home, listen to the rhythm, and try to move on your own to match the rhythm?

@Krish55 I do. There have been very small instances over the years when suddenly I just got it but they have been very fleeting. Probably have to keep on doing it.


Great analysis. I've been beating my head against the wall here in the bible belt to get that point across. You put it very succinctly and it clarifies things for those with a modicum of sense.


People without power cannot be racist regarding those with the power. You are a white therefore your arguments are racist because you defend racists. Aboriginals, because they don't have the institutional power you do are prejudiced according to you. Now your thin skinned white ego might not accept this, it is a fact.

Theresa_N Level 8 Aug 28, 2020

Agree, but were you meaning to reply to Frayed Bear instead?


...weird example when depending on what “Hispanics” you’re talking about ARE Natives..
Former Hispaniola? Natives. Mexicans? Natives. Peruvians? Natives.
They’re mixed and many have lost their roots due to colonialism but the Americas are much bigger than the U.S. and our relations aren’t only the tribes in the Amazon. Most “Hispanic” people are Indigenous too.. just their colonizer language was Spanish instead of English..

You gonna be hard pressed finding that example IRL unless it’s just intertribal beef. lol

Kahna Level 4 Aug 16, 2020

No mater how we perceive ourselves of not being racist or prejudice under certain circumstances we are all guilty.

Jolanta Level 9 Aug 14, 2020

I am hoping social and political change can progress for BLM if Donald Trump were no longer president as he has caused divide , racial hate , not re united America and allowing the violence towards the protesters continue when they are the ones making a much bigger difference for civil and human rights

MightyMax Level 4 Aug 10, 2020

I truly want all the white, bigoted, radicalized Republican, Trump loving, bigots, I want them all to simply go to Siberia.
That's what I want.

bigjac Level 6 Aug 8, 2020

I am not sure about them going to Siberia, after all some of them may very well like cold weather.

I’m for yeeting the uncaring, damaging European-Americans back to wherever their families originated.

@Kahna noooooooo! Lols.


Prejudice is an untrue prejudgment of others that creates a feeling of hate against others, most likely created by fear and ill fate gossip and bias translations about others, which then turn into name calling to try to hurt and take down those they fear. The mindset of underdeveloped human intelligence in my book. And a sort of Spanky and the Gang, no one can join our special gang unless they prove themselves, but never really can, mentality.

Racism has a basic mindset of "I'm better than you are", "My dad is stronger than your dad,", and other childish tit for tat bullying mentality that is used in the school yard.

I believe because of the use of these immature, mindless, and inconsiderate daily and commonly accepted uses of such words that we are unable to grow or see past their limitations. The reality is that we are one race of humans on one planet earth and our job is to protect our race and our planet.

All the rest is a game created by thieves and liars who have taken over the earth and made the rest of us mindless accepting pawns and robots in their game of conquering the earth for themselves and making everyone else their slaves. Slavery has many levels and some that we are so used to that we can't see and accept wholeheartedly as normal and they way things are. This is where the real fight is and should be. Not fighting each other, but those who have stolen from all who see themselves as part of the human race and who love, respect and don't want the earth destroyed. To remove ourselves from the matrix that our lives have come to trust and believe in and to create a new way of living by taking back our world, before it and we all are completely destroyed.

So is it...

The fight against racism and prejudice or The fight for the human race and planet earth?

In the first we keep running in circles and get no where because that is how the system is built; in the latter we escape the prison of chasing our tails and their tales and create a new way of life.

It is as if we are following their fairy tale world, but we can create another tale, one where Kings and Queens and Corporations no longer rule and take from our lives and mouths for their own glory and greed. Why do we accept a world where they always win? Why not create one where we all win, except those who want all for themselves? We are only following their lead?... because they had a head start in the game and were able to pull the wool over our eyes before we could understand their game. We can stop the game anytime and create a new one, like I said, one where we all win. Win-win...should be the only accepted morality on earth.


Very well said.
A complex problem with no simple solution. Too many people would rather ignore such things and only accept a simple solution.


Racism like this first line of the illustration?

Great poster!

And you have obviously not encountered the racism exhibited by black against black (Ruanda), Buddhists against non Buddhists [], Indian against first peoples & whites, Australian aborignal against aboriginal and whites?

@FrayedBear What racist ideology and power do aboriginals exert upon whites?

@Krish55 Very much like the Israelis do to the rest of the world.

@Krish55 Supportng your post there are something like 800 tribes in Australia. They all seem to want to discriminate each other.

@FrayedBear You haven't supported your claim so I will repost my question:

"What racist ideology and power do aboriginals exert upon whites?"

Please support your claim this time around...

@Krish55 I'm not going to talk about personal experiences but if you wish to learn of the nature of aboriginal racism do your own research & find how many tribes disappeared before white man arrived. Enquire into tribal law & practice.

@altschmerz that sounds like legalese "Rastus, did you hit him defense?" "Why no your honour. I hit him in de face". Rivalry vs racism ffs. They can't marry unless they are are the right skin.

@altschmerz He doesn't want to understand the difference. To understand it would challenge his White Privilege.

@Krish55 What privileges?

@FrayedBear You are so clueless that you don't know? Or so perverse that you pretend not to know?

@Krish55 No my fine sufferer of cognitive dissonance & mob mentality I live in a real world without blinkers and without failing to notice that their are many discriminations & a failure to ensure equality. It will not be achieved by stupid people putting or giving rights to others that are not equally available. Do read

These are Cipolla's five fundamental laws of stupidity:

  1. Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation.

  2. The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person.

  3. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses.

  4. Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake.

  5. A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person.

Corollary: a stupid person is more dangerous than a pillager.

@Krish55 lol As I do not own an AK47 or have any intention of acquiring one to fire at police I did not follow your link to the flagged unknown site.
I was discussing your irrationality with an acquaintance last night and he was of the general opinion that your rabid defense of the illogical and dangerous BLM movement is due to your own racism and fascist based tendencies / beliefs together with blind envy with desire to be given the same perceived privilege.

@FrayedBear You do understand that this is just one example among thousands of others? "Illogical and dangerous BLM?" Please explain that statement....

@Krish55 Sorry Krish. I've spent more than enough time trying to breakthrouh your cogniti'e dissonance and failure to respond to my points. If you cannot undestand my English you are certainly too old to be taught by me. Like a rabid communist you refuse to acknowldge most of the points
refuting your beliefs & adopted dogma. 👋👋👋To use one of your expressions "have a nice day" 👋👋👋👋

@FrayedBear Most of your points were distraction attempts - Red Herrings - which I studiously ignored.

@FrayedBear the tribal lore prior to England’s declaration of Terra Nullus was pretty much the each tribe had adjoining tribes, say 4, 2 of which they were friendly with and 2 of which they were not friendly with. Trading lines and bloodlines were organised through these lores. Each tribe had its own traditions and ways of being, but they certainly weren’t all against each other. This is an Indigenous man, and friend, explained it to me.

@girlwithsmiles I don't think that I said that they were all against each other.

@FrayedBear it was your comment to @Krish55 about Aboriginals wanting to discriminate against each other that made me pipe up. I’m sure we both know there is wide variety within most cultures and their views.

@girlwithsmiles they are mainly discriminated against but never seem to miss the opportunity to add to old scores. There was once about a 100 years ago a tribe of pygmies in Queensland. They seem to no longer exist. Seemingly whites had nothing to do with it.

@FrayedBear wow, I’ve never heard about that before! Cool, well kind of, not the extinction part.

@Krish55 Your reference is not proof of "White Privilege". You reference proves different law enforcement officers react differently to similar situations. There is no such thing as "White Privilege.

@Alienbeing The "differences" all have one similarity that add up to a pattern. By the way, shouldn't you be in Michigan bailing out your white supremacist buddies?

@Krish55 Are you as superficial as your post indicates? First, no pattern was established, You don't have a clue why most shootings took place, so your suggestion of a pattern is pure fantasy without specific back up.

Last, having never associated with any group, white supremacist or otherwise, I would know how to contact the, However that comment once again proves you shoot off your mouth without any evidence.

By the way, don't bother to show up to shine my shoes, you aren't qualified.

@Alienbeing Ah, you are revealing your racism. It's well known, shoe-shiners are people of color.

@Krish55 No, I actually made that remark to draw out your prejudice, and you walked right into it. Prejudice is prejudgment, and you indulgence in same is obvious.

I played you like a fiddle.

@Alienbeing Do you have a crush on me or something? Just letting you know that I am not bisexual...

@Krish55 Once again, you make no sense. Nothing sexual was discussed. Perhaps you are bipolar.

@Alienbeing Good, then quit stalking me, which some in the Progressives group have noticed.

@Krish55 Don't flatter yourself. I don't stalk you. Comments you made and I stubbed across do not equal stalking. Members professing otherwise are simply wrong.

@Alienbeing Thank you!

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