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If only we could make this happen sooner vs later.

Sonja44 7 Aug 22
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More jobs too

We can't have that. The ruling class now longer needs most of the workers in the US. Between global outsourcing and automation, most of us are obsolete. They only need us to obediently pay taxes to make up for what they don't pay and for some of us to serve as cannon fodder in the military. They couldn't care less if there is a shortage of jobs for the serfs.


Yup, I send it to Biden and the DNC..

Charlene Level 9 Aug 22, 2020

Nope, can't do that. "Nothing will fundamentally change". As Maya Angelou said, " When someone tells you who they are, believe them". Joe already told us, or at least his rich backers in what he thought was private, who he is. Only the rubes and suckers will be swayed by later walkbacks on it.

@TomMcGiverin it was retorical..I know it won't change a gaawddamned thing with Biden or the DNC..they're all Clintonian NeoLibs..

@Charlene I know. Mu comment was for the benefit of those not in the know, combined with sarcasm


Yes, which is why the big powers, especially those in tRump McConnell world want division and anger between the people at the bottom.


You lessen social problems by providing people with hope, confidence, and security, so that they do not need to prey on others in order to survive, nor turn to chemicals to cope with the stress, worry and fear about whether or how they can survive. When people are living in desperation and constant survival mode, they are forced to make choices that people with secure lives would not likely make because they have that luxury and are able to see things from a long term perspective. The most obvious examples of this are poor people being more likely to smoke and have more children than people with more money and security in their life. Poor people have few other pleasures and easy ways to relieve stress, so they smoke. They have little perspective beyond the short term, so having kids seems natural and not something that would be a liability or long term cost to them. Besides, sex is also one of the few low cost pleasures in life. I am not being classist here, because if I was poor I would likely not be any different. Research studies have even simulated the effect of poverty on decision-making, so I am not just making judgements.

As Michael Moore said long ago, if you live in a place where everybody is able to have a lower middle class income (40K back then), you are much less likely to see somebody ripping off their neighbor's home to get their TV, cash, jewelry, etc. Would that end all crime? Of course not, because there will always be greedy people, which we already have plenty of in the top income groups, but we will have a hell of a lot less street crime. Most people have a desire to work because it gives them a feeling of pride and purpose. A small minority don't, but the cost of providing for all would be worth it, at least to me, if the costs were progressively taxed. But right now our tax system is anything but progressive...that's a whole other discussion.



bobwjr Level 10 Aug 22, 2020

That's obvious to most people, but they want us to fight among ourselves, so they can take the resources, which forces fighting for resources.

EdEarl Level 8 Aug 22, 2020

Exactly. They divide us on all the identity politics bullshit as well as thru nationalism.

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