For me it's not whether biden is better than tRump, it's whether someone has the policy positions and history to justify my voting for him. Biden has no policy positions I'd vote for and his history is terrible. This comes up because The Guardian posted an article that had the headline that some progressives thought biden was worse than trump, this is a false dichotomy, I say not worse than just not at all good enough to vote for.
Seriously? How old are you? Five? Justify to you? Who are you? 1 out of 355 million? The government is us and who we choose or who we get because we don’t get off our asses and vote so get who others choose.
I don’t know why voters went out in a pandemic to vote for Joe but they did. He wasn’t my choice but over the years, I’ve learned that you don’t always get the candidates that you want, but You suck it up and vote with the majority because the alternative is a fascist oligarchy determined to make this a banana republic. Trump’s threat to social security alone makes me sick and that is not the worst of his plans.
Namby pamby Democrat versus the end of democracy as we know it? I know who I’m voting for and it’s not the orange nightmare.
surprised you haven't noticed by now that it doesn't make any difference who you vote for.
as Mark Twain said " if voting really mattered it wouldn't be allowed".
@callmedubious then I guess the whole premise of this post is moot and Trump is fucking with the USPS just to be a dildo.
If you can let go of one religion you should be able to let go of another. Vote for Biden.
I will just ask: how big of a hole are you willing to dig out of? Another 4 years of tRump will entrench more judges and more black of regulation across the board.
That's up to tRump and biden. Someone has to earn my vote and if they take it for granted they won't get it. Biden has taken your vote, my vote, and other progressive voter's votes for granted. I am sick of the democratic party doing this and will not vote democrat again until they become less arrogant. We've had a long history of democrat candidates doing this and it's time they learned not to.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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