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Anyone tracking how progressives did in the down ballot? We need to start building the agenda.

Canndue 8 Nov 7
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In my state, the Repubs are still running all three branches of the capitol, even got more redder. It's sad that the statewide newspaper doesn't even report the results anymore for third party candidates in Iowa elections for federal offices, not even prez. Got to silence those protest votes by sending them down the rabbit hole, like they never existed. The fact that Dems did badly across the nation while Biden won says clearly that most Americans do not like or trust the Dems any more than the Repubs, actually less than the Repubs. It means the only reason Biden won is that a very slim majority of Americans were sick of Trump and wanted someone different. Biden functioned as the default "None Of The Above", which would have won in a landslide if it had been on the ballot for prez.

Completely agree. The DNC sucks, but then, so does the GOP. Trump was an anomaly that the republicans should have never allowed to happen. They did it to gain on their narrow agenda, but will wear that stink for decades.


The down ballots in many places did not go as well for Democrats. That said, the fact they didnt do as well is a great argument against voter fraud. In areas that tRump took in 2016 he dropped, but those below him didn't. Those are the "magically" appearing votes. Enough republicans were finally finding some moral compass- not enough of course.


I believe progressives did fairly well, from a tweet on A.O.C's page the squad has grown by 38%..

Charlene Level 9 Nov 7, 2020

Awesome, it’s a beginning, gonna be a long road to oust the neoliberals....

@Canndue a great 1st step would be to retire Pelosi and Schumer. Don't forget Mid terms are in 2 years..

@Charlene Totally agree. They are old school and ineffective.

In a few aces, but not overall. There were some true breakthroughs with celebrating, but I don't think as many as one would like.

@Canndue they're worse than Old School..they're Rethuglican 1.0..

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