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Question: what do you do, in your daily life, that you believe makes a positive impact in the world? (Especially in relation to the group title?).

girlwithsmiles 8 May 10
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I communicate with people although it’s against my best interest. Some understand some don’t...😎

I have a friend like that and really love the time I do get to spend with them.


Every 28 days I donate platelets and plasma. πŸ™‚


Help by volunteering for the state

bobwjr Level 10 May 10, 2021

Stay in touch with past students and give them positive feedback in their lives when applicable.


I don't get out much, these particular days, I can only be as decent a person as I can be & on Sites like this try to communicate either positive messages, or warn of bad things. I am not a paragon of change, not near what I thought I might have been when I was younger, I can just be decent & hope that I leave a smile behind, rather than a frown. That I won't "allow" discrimination in whatever form without speaking out. That I can believe that we can be better, individually & overall. I can try to live up to what I define as human, not "above" the animal, but an animal that can strive for ideals that benefit all of us, knowing I will fail, but, trying again, regardless.
I take care of my 92 yo Mom, so I don't go out for protests or marches, I can't leave her alone (dementia), but I have written letters to the editor, & tried to interact here, because we surely do not have a "chorus" to preach to (tho we seem overall more progressive & rational than many "groupings".
I, to the very limited extent I can, support local food banks. Donate to atheist YT channels & Planned Parenthood. It's not much, but I don't have much. But, it's what I can do.
I almost definitely could do more in many areas, but I am not a saint, martyr or champion. I'm just me, trying to live with myself.

phxbillcee Level 10 May 10, 2021

Cool, thanks for responding 😊

@girlwithsmiles Sorry if it was too long, or wasn't more positive. I'm just me...I try, & imperfectly.

@phxbillcee It was great, I think that’s where most of us are with it. By sharing I thought we might learn about what others do and it might be helpful πŸ™‚

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