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Ok, let's talk about Kamala Harris telling Hispanics not to come to America. The far-right is saying too little too late; the far left is saying Biden is Trump, yet again. Same old, same old. I sure wish people would read articles and not just look at headlines. So what is happening? Biden is down on the polls for how he is handling immigration. This area is perceived as his greatest weakness. Deserved or not. So now, he has to give immigrants an easier way to citizenship legally and undo yet another mess Trump has made. Shocker. The Biden administration is forced to get involved in fixing the corrupt administrations and circumstances that cause immigrants to want to come here. As much as I hate the U.S. having to get involved in International affairs, they leave us no choice. I'm making this post because right now both the far-right and far-left's heads are spinning around spitting pea soup. I'm going to make this post on my own spaces and not get into it with either of them.


UrsiMajor 8 June 8
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Biden and Harris are 100% responsible for the mess at the border and need to be removed from office. Hopefully this will cost the democraps dearly in the next election cycle.

Trajan61 Level 8 June 8, 2021

You do understand that that problem is why so many people think it's okay to just come here and cross the border without any emigration procedure at all?? Are you saying we shouldn't have any emigration laws,,, no rules... ?? Or just for those coming in on airplanes vs those walking in from Mexico? It's not that hard to understand... Democrats think they will gain votes if they let in people that are not registered, and then somehow let them vote... Don't deny it.. You've all admitted that that's what you're expecting to happen... You want to destroy our voting system so as to gain a margin of voters so as to have an advantage in future elections... It's not a big secret.. You all have admitted it many times before... How you can sit there and promote such a thing and say you're for a democratic system is fucking laughable... You should be ashamed... You are a fucking disgrace to the people that died fighting for our country... You should be ashamed... You don't deserve to live here in this country...

@Captain_Feelgood well said

@Captain_Feelgood I haven't seen a meltdown like that in years and I wasn't even trying. Seriously, dude, take a time out. You're not ok.

@UrsiMajor I assure you that was no meltdown.. It was just the truth. Notice how you didn't offer any rebuttal, because you don't have one.. You know good and well what I said is true... Welcome to the 'ignore' list..

@Captain_Feelgood I have no rebuttal because I lost interest in trolling conservatives about a year ago. I was gonna move on to trolling the far-left who think Biden is no different than Trump, but I'm not seeing much of that here. So, I've lost interest in trolling pretty much everyone but maybe Catholics who molest children. I don't care if I am on your ignore list or not.


Waaait, wait, wait... "another mess Trump has made"??? Please, do tell how you figure that.. 🙄


Here's the full quote not taken out of context. Proud of myself for not getting into fights with the far-left today. I just left this on my fb page for the leader of our local Indivisible chapter to find. I'm amazed she accepted my friend request.

UrsiMajor Level 8 June 8, 2021

Nobody, NOBODY, would leave their homes, their families, their language, even, for a completely unknown future fraught with peril if they were not Desperate...would you?

AnneWimsey Level 9 June 8, 2021

Another example of selling ads and I won't bite.

Immigration is a no win situation. Liberals want more and conservatives less. No one thinks to look at the environmental of increasing this countries population/carbon footprint. It always seems to be about business. Now the Supreme Court has spoken, unanimously and I agree.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 8, 2021

When each one of Central American countries were invaded not once or twice but as many as 12 times by the US Military to keep the puppet governments of the US corporations who were overtly exploiting the people and their resources of those Central American countries!!!

The US government and their owners, the wealthy and their corporations cause the poverty and deaths that have befallen those peoples by their greed and their corporate power over these people and countries!!!

Now those corporation lobby to raise immigration levels because it is a source of cheap and controllable labor. They consistently block attempts to implement e-verify. Churches also sponsor immigrants as a way to raise their numbers.


Is Biden really trying to fix the problems that make refugees come?

Refugees leave Honduras because Obama and Biden went along with a coup against the democratic government of Zelaya.

They leave the other countries because the US has for years supported oligarchs and dictators in Central America.

Is Biden really going to quit such support and allow progressive change to come to Central America?

Will he support these progressive governments if they come to power instead of destroying them like he and Obama did?

Krish55 Level 8 June 8, 2021

I can always depend on you to make me research stuff I didn't know about. Looks like Biden is proposing 4 billion to fix his mistakes. I'll have to do more research on this have meetings today. Thanks.


Many leave their countries simply because their numbers have gotten so large their resource base can no longer support them. Also, smugglers (coyotes) see a way to make money off of desperate people.

Looks like this is a valid assessment of the situation. I guess the moral of the story is don't throw money at International countries thinking your PR problems are going to go away. I am all for vaccinating the world against preventable diseases and condoms for all. This is probably one of those times to butt out. []

@JackPedigo It's not just resource base. It's the economy. Japan has a great economy with few resources because it was never subject to domination like Central America was.

@Krish55 I thought Japan had a great economy because the US pumped guilt money into it after WWII?

@UrsiMajor The US helped Japan rebuild. However it built up its original economy because it also engaged in imperialism like the West. The Pacific War was the clash of two imperialisms.

@Krish55 Well, was funding Japan the right thing to do? I just remember a conservative history teacher having a fit about it. I remember another conservative history teacher having a fit about Carter giving away the Panama Canal. Fortunately, my aunt's family had pictures of their family photographed with Carter in the white house so I wasn't listening to him.

@UrsiMajor We also pumped 'guilt' money into Germany under the Marshall plan. This prevented another war by helping to build up the economies of those we fought.

@UrsiMajor, @Krish55 The resource base is like a bank account. It is the principle of which the economy depends. Under rational practices we should spend from the interest. Now we are depleting the principle. One of the reasons Japan fought the war was because their resource base was crumbling and they had to take it from other countries like China.


The purpose of building back the fascist countries was because the US realised the Soviet Union was now strong enough to oppose its imperialism.

The Soviet Union had opposed European colonialism since the Russian revolution of 1917. At the end of World War II, it would back that up with military help to Asians, Africans, and Latin Americans.

Germany and Japan had traditionally been anti-Soviet and imperialist. The US needed to build back its imperialist, fascist buddies to keep imperialism going.

The atomic bomb was earlier dropped in Japan to send a warning to the Soviet Union.

Imperialist goalls were thus behind both the economic aid and the earlier dropping of the atomic bomb..

@Krish55 Are you saying the Soviet Union isn't always the bad guy? One history teacher let it slip that Stalin was worse than Hitler.


We and your teacher have been brainwashed.

Stalin did commit many horruble crimes. But even before that, the reason the Soviet Union has been demonised is because it has supported the fight against racism, colonialism, and imperialism.

@Krish55 I did some research - there were gulags under Stalin's empire. I think he did some really bad things- maybe not out of racism, imperialism, or colonialism, but he was just a dick. Every place has some bad leaders once in a while (cough Trump, Nixon, Reagan). I think I remember hearing Lenin was good. You did make me think- did Russia have slaves and exploit them for profits? Perhaps not- so there is some truth in your perspective. So was Russia really anti-US because of the power or humanitarian reasons? []

@UrsiMajor Lenin, Trotsky and the rest overthrew a socialist government to create a communist dictatorship that was exploitive and worse of the peasantry. Lenin has since been painted as "the good guy" only in relation to Stalin's worst excesses.

@Krish55 Seen many (or any) black or brown people in power in Russia? Visiting black sports competitors are routinely jeered, race-baited and abused by Russian crowds and many others across eastern Europe. If Russia's attacks and intimidation of Ukraine, Belorus, and the Chechin Republic among others aren't acts of imperialism what are they?


Ignoring a problem never let it go away , the corruption and violence there is a big contributor to this

bobwjr Level 10 June 8, 2021

I’m afraid the inability to read beyond attention grabbing headlines is on the increase everywhere, but it seems we are now well and truly in the era of confirmation bias too. Too many people deliberately misinterpret facts to fit their already formed opinions. This is especially true in regards to the actions and remarks made by politicians from the party in opposition to the one they support. Nowhere is this more apparent that in the USA.

Right here on this site I have noticed with alarm that far from any sort of conciliation between American conservative members (Republicans) and the liberal ones (Democrats), in fact since last November’s Presidential election, these two diametrically opposed groups appear to be more polarised than ever. I think there is going to be a very long way back to civility and a recognition that even if you disagree politically with the opposition party, not everything they do is corrupt, incompetent or wrong. Conversely, that applies equally to everything the party you support not always acting in the best interests of the country either. What is needed is a realisation that people from both sides of the political divide need to find consensus and work together for the common good of all citizens. A sensible, fair and humane immigration policy needs to be formulated and implemented, because it is in the interests of all concerned, US citizens and would-be US citizens alike.

However, one big problem, are the actions from the Republican party during both the Obama presidency and the tRump one.

@JackPedigo Yes...but you’ve got to move past former actions and make sure future ones have better consequences. Learning from past mistakes but not dwelling on them.

@Marionville Absolutely, but for politicians trying to appeal to the masses that is often hard. Obama had more people deported than any other president but he had to keep it secret to the public/consticuency. He understood the problems with overpopulation but even that word gets people riled up.

"Very intelligent and insightful discussion, we as a species will have to deal with human overpopulation. I like how President Obama referred to the African Serengeti as like the Garden of Eden. As David Attenborough has pointed out in other videos here on YT, it benefits people to have smaller families especially for people who have limited resources. It is vital to protect all of earth's species, not just for us but for their right to life."

@JackPedigo He’s preaching to the converted as far as we’re concerned...but as long as religions keep thwarting population control the future of the planet is on a hiding to nothing.


I live in a border town, there's always immigrants coming in, nothing has changed about that but just in the treatment of them has.

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