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Texas Republican Gohmert Asks if the Forest Service Can Change Earth’s Orbit

During a recent House Natural Resources Committee hearing, Texas Republican congressman Louie Gohmert asked National Forest Service associate deputy chief Jennifer Eberlien, if it was possible for the Forest Service to alter the orbits of the moon or the Earth, as a way of combating climate change.

Interesting question indeed! Sounds like Gohmert must have been channeling his “inner Marjorie Taylor Greene” on that one. The fact is, the Forest Service has been way too busy raking all the forest floors in California - to devote any time to altering the orbits of the Earth and moon. Besides, shouldn’t that be a job for the Space Force?

And, while Rep. Gohmert’s question may sound “astronomically” stupid to some, I’m told it can actually be accomplished with the right tools and strategy. That, of course - would include obtaining one of Donald Trump’s magical sharpie pens, as well as asking everyone who lives in metropolitan Cleveland, to jump up and down as high as they possibly can - and all in unison.

Anyway, when you consider that Louie Gohmert is actually both an elected and voting member of the United States House of Representatives, it becomes rather difficult for someone to find exactly the right words to express how a question like this leaves one feeling about America’s future, although the term “doomed” certainly comes does to mind.


johnnyrobish 8 June 10
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Seems it would be easier doing this than to alter the direction of humans and their attitude toward the planet we call home.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 10, 2021

It’s probably one of the necessary criteria to be elected to public office in that part of the world to have the Intelligence Quotient of a moron!

Marionville Level 10 June 10, 2021

Or at least to act as if you do. I believe the guy has a law degree.

@johnnyrobish Got to act the part!


I guess I can understand how idiots like this exist, what I will never understand is why people elect them….

Canndue Level 8 June 10, 2021

Because they elect those who most represent their own views!

Those in East Texas that vote for this moron, are just as dumb as he is.

@Redheadedgammy exactly!


If you can look at the sun at around 1000 hrs GMT today you may find that some agency is already trying to accomplish this by blocking out the sun.

Moravian Level 8 June 10, 2021

Unbelievably stupid, but he's a Texas Republican

bobwjr Level 10 June 10, 2021


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