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"Utter betrayal" Sinema:

BirdMan1 8 July 3
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I was happy when I heard that she'd won, though it was another step in the right direction...bitch!

BirdMan1 Level 8 July 3, 2021

& I voted for her...Of course her opponent was McSally, but I still regret it.

phxbillcee Level 10 July 3, 2021

My son and I worked in the campaign for Melissa Bean when she ran for Congress. We sat and talked with her and she would say she was an FDR Democrat and quote Eleanor Roosevelt and many progressives. She got in and voted with Republicans on several key issues most notably CAFTA.

I went to every town hall she had and called her out about it and she would say everything the republicans do isn’t bad. And I would say that’s not what you said when you were running for office.


She is Joe Leiberman..

Charlene Level 9 July 3, 2021


bobwjr Level 10 July 3, 2021

Grrrrr…wolf in sheep’s clothing. She is a huge disappointment to anti-Republicans here in AZ.

KateOahu Level 8 July 3, 2021

Sinema and Manchin are both in a swing situation where they benefit from GOP voter suppression, they'd both lose quickly to other Democrats if elections were more free and fair.

Buttercup Level 8 July 3, 2021

She will probably be responsible for losing a Democratic Senatorship in AZ. I believe she is a Republican who ran as a Democrat. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

@MsKathleen Definitely an asset to Mitch not Biden, she's sunk low enough.

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