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In fact, all developed countries have already legalized marijuana. And you know, it's a great move because you can keep track of marijuana purchases. People come to stores where there are records of sales and there are records of customers. And the drug squad used to spend months looking for manufacturers and dealers. Now in countries with legalized cannabis, it's simple and clean. I buy cannabis products when I am in other states and also when I come to Toronto. My favorite store where I buy cbd oil is . I don't like smoking a pipe, and I don't like cigarettes, but the cbd oil I add to my tea calms my nerves and reduces anxiety. It's fine for people with PTSD or neurosis.

Hasbeck Level 4 Sep 23, 2022

Yeah, first time I heard, "Shut up and give me your money" it was from a stripper. Now it's politicians.

MerlinZap Level 8 July 26, 2021

I remember back in the 80s some prominent Republicans were pushing for the legalisation of pot. They did not like spending all of that money on the war on drugs when it was not effective. It is the same now. It is about the money. More than one Republican governor has said if the feds would decriminalize marijuana they would legalize it in their states. They see how much money these other states are making.

Sticks48 Level 9 July 24, 2021

Uh-huh. Never mind the morality of it all, just give me your dollars.

@anglophone At this point I could not care less about the reason, just get it done.

It's not just about the tax revenue, as substantial as that is. It's also about the money not being wasted on enforcement and incarceration.

@mcgeo52 They don't really go after pot smokers in these states any longer. They might in some towns, but not many. That certainly is a savings though. Unfortunately here in Texas we have a booming private prison industry that would not like to see this. While the big cities in Texas don't waste their time with pot smokers they still do in many small towns and rural areas, and they are a big part of the state.

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