The Myth of the Kindly General Lee
The legend of the Confederate leader’s heroism and decency is based in the fiction of a person who never existed.
He was an unabashed White Supremacist and Slave owner, that unashamedly turned his back on the Republic to ensure that slavery would survive.. Arlington National Cemetery was his back fields. They were close to his home, his wife witnessed growing number of burials of Union soldiers killed in battle..
That kinda described half the country back then. Dred Scott decision wasn’t much earlier, just to put it in context. Unfortunately, listening to the gop, we haven’t made much progress in 150 years…
Didn’t he hunt down John Brown’s group? He was a great man, not to say he was a good man, just that he stood out amongst his peers. But, like all historical figures, the story grows taller on down the line..
He was a traitor that should have been tried and executed, along with all the other CSA politicians and commanding officers..
Brown's party of 22 was defeated by a company of U.S. Marines, led by First Lieutenant Israel Greene.
Lee was the first choice to lead the Union Army.
He was a brilliant military man.
Had he accepted the offer to lead the Union Army, the Civil War would have likely been over much earlier than April 9, 1865, and many hundreds of thousands fewer people would have died.
True. In the same vain, Lee knew after Gettysburg there was no longer a way to end the war with a resolve that would even marginally be better for the South and still continued to fight dooming thousands. As a kid, I bought into the Lee BS; my great grandfather was a lieutenant in his Army of Northern Virginia. My Mom hated wars, so, at least didn't come from her; and my Dad was a staunch all races were equal (watched him in 1966 tear into some old racist). But, I had cousins galore. Not long after I gave up on religion, about age 12, I saw through the Southern myth as well.
@Beowulfsfriend My great-great grandfather walked off his Missouri farm at the age of 51 to fight in Sherman's army.
@BD66 That is worth being proud of.
I like to tell the "leave the statues up, it's history people," that there should be statues of Sherman throughout the South, especially Georgia, because "it's history."
@Beowulfsfriend Isn't it ever. But, "history" is just their excuse.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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