9 8

entitled white teenager driving to another state to antagonize and intimidate protestors with their illegal AR-15...that’s my take on it. If he gets off scotch free this could lead to a dangerous erosion of democracy. An inhibition of freedom of speech. Would it allow white dissidents to be able to carry guns to protests? Just imagine how bad Jan 6 might have been had guns been involved

inigomontoya 6 Nov 11
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He didn't drive to another state. His mommy drove him there.

BitFlipper Level 8 Nov 12, 2021

Guns were involved. And people died, both from a gun and other weapons. As I am avoiding news, I do not know who is this teenager.

KateOahu Level 8 Nov 11, 2021

I almost starting explaining who he is before realizing that's exactly why you're avoiding the news. Suffice it to say, another person who utilized a weapon of war in our streets and people died.


Some of the January 6 insurrectionists did carry guns, and white people in Texas with no training, licensing, or background checks can now carry guns anywhere. People of color can't carry weapons with the same assumption of safety. The erosion of democracy continues.

Lauren Level 8 Nov 11, 2021

I agree


It appears to a lot of people that the judge is looking to set this murderer free! 😡

I agree.


Your ideas on it are also thoughts of mine. It does not matter what state or what kind of protest Kyle went to. He was not invited to go, called to go, nor was he "protecting" anything. To even think that he was invites "Trumpist" type thinking. Mommy even believed in him so much that she took him and his AR-15 half way. Just get in the car and let's go. Suddenly you are a peace keeper without training and they need you there. Is it any surprise that Kyle shot someone? Not to me. The actions here are a part of "idiot think." Looks to me like Kyle, Mommy, and the judge should all be held responsible. The big problem here is that this trial can be thrown out in such a way that Kyle will never come to trial for murder again. That is scary.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 11, 2021

Throw him, his mommy and the judge in prison for life..

Charlene Level 9 Nov 11, 2021

The judge is atrocious and prejudiced, the kid wanted a kill and mommy helped him both belong in prison for a very long time

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 11, 2021

Lucky he's dumb, if the jurors don't see through it, he's setting up grounds for appeal.

@Buttercup the murderer deserves an Oscar for his "crying" scene


Somehow I think it will get worse before it gets better

Canndue Level 8 Nov 11, 2021

Jan 6 was practice

I agree. But I hope you are wrong... I really hope that

@inigomontoya Me too. I've been wrong before.

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