Both parties are out of touch with real people.
Both major parties are owned and funded by the same people and corporations, so no wonder that on all the issues those people care about, they get everything they want. The only things those parties give us peasants, are phony culture war issues like abortion, guns, gays, God, and other identity politics stuff. In other words, the things the funders don't care about and that cost them nothing.
As a socialist in the US, who uses my real label, rather than the coy term progressive, I really have no representation in either major party. The party that really represents me is the Green Party, and they actually represent the views of tens of millions of Americans, but since they have no apparent chance of winning federal elections, nobody votes for them, thus we stay trapped in this prison of a two party duopoly where neither major party has to be responsive to the real needs and demands of the masses. And in that I am not talking about phony wedge issues like gays, abortion, guns, etc., which most Americans care way less about than taxes, the economy, heath care, inequality, endless wars, climate change, etc., all the issues where the major parties work hand in hand.
The Democrats have the best of intentions, but the things they implement become disasters.
I often question their true intentions.
Always thought the true difference between the parties was that the democrats at least use some lube
@BD66 Seems like republicans removed the rule about no price increases in lieu of required coverage. I don’t think solving problems is part of the equation. Look at all the acts , somewhere in each of them business gain profit, and people are screwed. We need major overhaul of the govt and 2 party system.
Blah,blah, blah. Both parties are not out of touch. Democrats are putting out legislation that help people and republicans are voting against it. Disinformation from people like this and propaganda from right wing with made up controversy like crt is what separates people and make them act against their own best interest.
And then democrats are watering down said legislation to show "bipartisanship" by removing the pieces that most help the people. They prefer to assuage the Republicans over the progressive caucus.
@JonnaBononna read what you wrote. Democrats are trying to get stuff done but since they have to work with the monsters on the right, they will have to negotiate changes. Explain to me how that makes them similar to GOP fascists.
@JonnaBononna ohferpetessake, would you prefer Nothing? Every journey starts with a single step.
We have no liberal party in the US, not by international standards. The Republicans moved to the right, and the democratic party is in firmly in the center politically- center right, really..
@JonnaBononna no one with any political knowledge would argue that point.
I agree; both PARTIES are out of touch with everyone except their very rich peers.
The dems talk a good game but if you watch what they do, it is only to perpetuate their centrist neoliberal agenda. It’s never about the people
@MsKathleen you are so right, they have us played and know it
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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