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Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about a letter from Texas.....

phxbillcee 10 Dec 4
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Texas is a great state if you do not get involved in any form or fashion with the fascists politicians, state, local and county officials, the militarized police, the courts, jails, prisons and greedy attorneys!!!

The reality is that their are more centrist’s and left of center politically in Texas. Do to the fact that the obstructionist republicans fascist and their wealthy owners have hijacked and have stolen elections and the politics of Texas and the rest of the the USA!!!

We are under direct siege by the obstructionist republican fascists and the owned Corporate democrats who are directly owned by the wealthy and their corporations!!!

This mental illness of this right wing death cult that is being financed and forced upon us by the wealthy and their corporations which directly infects those whose education and livelihoods are directly tied to their enslavement and their unwillingness to comprehend that their own interests mean nothing to the wealthy, they are just fodder to be use and discarded at will without empathy or remorse!!!


East Texas sucks!

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